The Psycho House

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Chapter 4: The Psycho House

23rd September 1996

I woke up with a start. The sun was peeking through the blinds, casting a shot of light across the room. It shone directly onto my face causing me to squint, I rubbed my eyes furiously and yawned. The dream started fading into oblivion. The bathwater was icy cold. My hands and feet were numb and wrinkled. I stood up shakily, grabbing the towel hanging on the wall and drying myself off as fast as possible. I wrapped the towel around my shoulders and made my way back over to the bathroom door.

While I was getting dressed, I looked up through the skylight. The sky was a bright blue and void of any clouds. The weather was perfect for a Saturday morning. The fresh autumn air carried a slight chill as I opened the door and went downstairs. Mum was out early for a job interview. She would not be home until dinner time.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice, sipped it, and then picked up a photo of Dad and me from the coffee table. It was taken before we left for Cornwall for the summer holidays. He was carrying a large shopping bag as Mum was struggling to get one of the suitcases in the boot. Dad was laughing in the picture and grinning widely. I remember the day very fondly. It was the last holiday before Dad died.

I heard three loud knocks on the front door. I put the picture back and made my way to the door. I opened it and there was Amber standing outside, wearing a similar outfit to the one the night before. She wore a grey flannel shirt with a black tee with a skull in the centre. Her hair looked so smooth, like butter. She smiled and waved at me.

"Hi, Katie."

"Hello." That's all I could say.

"Can I come in? I brought my bike with me."

I stepped aside to allow her in. As she stepped inside I noticed a bicycle leaning against the wall next to the door. She looked stunning. I wondered why I was even thinking this, I pushed those intrusive thoughts out of my mind as she slipped her shoes off at the door.

"Come in."

I gestured for her to follow me into the living room.

When she walked in her face held a look of wonder and confusion. She rubbed her nose.

"That smell... It's like..." She pinched the air trying to form a word



That hit me hard. Were the rumours true? No. Surely not. We wandered into the kitchen.

"So this is the Psycho House then." She spoke excitedly. "I've always wanted to go in here, the famous kitchen, the site of the murder."

"Wait they actually happened?" I said, concerned.

She nodded.

"Oh, God!"

I leaned against the counter. My head felt like it was spinning.

"You okay Katie?" Amber asked me, worried.

I nodded.

"Yup." I responded, forcing a smile.

Amber grabbed me a glass of water and I took a sip. She poured herself one too.

"Sorry about the smell. You might want to sit down or something before I pass out."

Amber smiled. She sat on the sofa and motioned for me to sit beside her. I followed suit and sat down.

We spent an hour talking as we drank our drinks. She told me all about her life in Manchester before she moved up here. We talked about our lives before we met each other and how she wanted to be an artist once she graduated high school. She told me about her dad and her brother. I wasn't sure if I had ever had this much fun talking to someone I hadn't spoken properly to before. It wasn't just the company either. She was so nice and easy to talk to. Even though she had never met me, she seemed like such a great person to talk to. She was like some sort of friend I hadn't had in ages. When she finally suggested that we head upstairs, I agreed enthusiastically.

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