Hanging Out With Girls

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29th September 1996

I spent most of the afternoon playing games and hanging out with Amber. We sat on the beach and watched the waves wash up. It was a lovely sunny afternoon after a particularly nasty thunderstorm that lasted throughout the whole day. It was raining nonstop earlier that morning while we were outside, but now that it was over we could enjoy the warm rays. As we sat on the shore talking, I couldn't help but think about last night, and what had happened in the attic.

After getting home the night before, I was completely exhausted. For some odd reason, I had stayed out late. Wandering the old cobbled streets alone. When I returned home my mum was fast asleep on the sofa in the living room. I walked over to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. But instead of being content with sleep like usual, I decided to creep out of bed, and across to the study. I pulled open the secret door and climbed up into the attic. The room was dark, which was understandable because it was night. I walked over to the large window and pressed my nose against the pane. It was cold, which was nice. A cool draft blew through the worn edges of the glass. It calmed me and I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. I listened to my heartbeat as it echoed throughout the room. My thoughts were interrupted however when I heard a gentle patter of feet from across the dark space. My heart sped up immediately and I pushed myself off the wall to stand upright. I gripped tightly onto the windowsill, waiting anxiously for whatever it was to come closer. I stood for what must've been five minutes, shivering against that window when I finally decided to peer around the corner at the edge of the house. Nothing.Just darkness.I exhaled in relief."Relax," I murmured to myself quietly. "There's nothing there." That's when something shifted behind me. I jumped slightly, startled by the sound and whipped around in surprise. Nothing. Still, I was more than convinced someone was watching me. It was probably nothing. I tried to convince myself, but the fact I was alone with the draft from the window whispering in my ears made my skin crawl. I think it's safe to say I briskly left the attic, locking the door behind me. And that was that.

Skip back to the beach with Amber.

I sat on the beach, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and the sand beneath my toes. Amber sat next to me, and we chatted about our plans for the week. The waves crashed against the shore, and seagulls cried overhead.As we sat there, I noticed a small crab scurrying across the sand. I pointed it out to Amber, and we watched as it disappeared into its hole. We laughed at its silly antics, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.

As we sat in the sand, we spotted Audrey making her way down the dunes. Her long black hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she wore a flowy sundress that fluttered in the light breeze. She was carrying a picnic basket and a frisbee in her arms, and a wide smile was spread across her face as she approached us.

"Hey, girls!" she called out cheerfully, her voice carrying over the sound of the crashing waves. "What a beautiful day for a beach day, am I right?"We both grinned back at her, happy to see her. Audrey had a way of making everything feel more fun and carefree. She spread out a blanket on the sand and unpacked the basket, revealing a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruit, and snacks.

We eagerly dug in, chatting and laughing as we enjoyed the food and the warm sunshine. It was such a relief to be able to relax and forget about the stresses of school and life for a little while. As we finished our lunch, Audrey suggested we take a walk along the beach and explore the tide pools.Amber and I agreed, and soon we were wandering along the shoreline, examining the rocks and seaweed for signs of sea creatures. Audrey was always so curious about the world around her, and her enthusiasm was infectious. I found myself smiling and laughing more than I had in a long time.

As we walked, we shared stories and caught up on each other's lives. It was such a comfort to be surrounded by friends who knew and cared about me. I felt like I could be my true self around them, without any pretences or masks.

Eventually, we found ourselves sitting on a large rock formation, watching the waves roll in and out. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the beach. We sat in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the moment.We spent the next few hours basking in the sun, eating, and chatting about everything from school to our dreams for the future. Audrey regaled us with stories of her latest adventures, including a camping trip where she and her friends had gotten lost in the woods for a night. We laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company as we soaked up the warmth of the sun.

As the afternoon wore on, the sky began to turn a deep shade of orange and pink, signalling the approach of sunset. We decided to take a walk along the beach, enjoying the cool breeze that blew in from the sea. We kicked off our shoes and walked along the shore, feeling the sand between our toes and the salt water lapping at our feet.As we walked, we spotted a group of people gathered around a bonfire further down the beach. The sound of music and laughter drifted towards us in the wind. We hesitated for a moment, wondering if we should approach them, but Audrey grabbed our hands and pulled us towards the group.

"Come on, let's join the party!" she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. We followed her towards the bonfire, feeling a sense of excitement and adventure.As we approached, we could see that the group was made up of a mix of locals and tourists, all gathered together to enjoy the beauty of the beach at sunset. They welcomed us warmly, offering us drinks and inviting us to join in their conversations.We spent the rest of the evening enjoying the warmth of the fire, listening to music, and making new friends.

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