Peter - You're Insufferable

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"You're insufferable." Peter Hale just grinned. There it was. That stupid smirk that made you want to slap him. There hadn't been a day gone by in the last week where you hadn't seen that smirk. Since you were failing in English your parents had decided that you needed a tutor. And they had decided that the insufferable Peter Hale was to be that tutor. "Look at that! You're using big words. I may be insufferable but at least your English skills are getting better." He replied. You rolled your eyes and stared down at your notepad. He was right. You were actually understanding the novel your class was reading and was halfway done with your essay that wasn't due for another two weeks. When you looked up at Peter you saw him staring at you, lips slightly opened. He had that look on his face. The look that told you that he wanted to kiss you. You stared at him with wide eyes and only snapped back as he began leaning towards you. "Whoa." You said, shaking your head and moving away from him. "Whoa what?" He asked, giving you a funny look. You scowled at him. "You were going to kiss me!" You exclaimed. Peter raised an eyebrow and shook his head with a light laugh. "No I was not." He said. You gave him a glare and began gathering your things. "What- Where are you going?" He asked. "Home. The hour's up Peter and I don't want you to try and kiss me again." You shoved your books into your bag and stood up. Peter let out a small growl and rolled his eyes. "You don't have to be so petty." He said. "Yeah well you don't have to be a cocky little shit who lies about whether or not you want to kiss me." You spat back. You began leaving the room but was stopped by Peter suddenly appearing in front of you. You don't know how he did that but you weren't really questioning it. Right now you were just pissed off at him. "Peter move out of the way." You said. Peter shook his head and let out a little nope. He took a step towards you and you stepped back. You kept going like that till he drove you into the corner. You flinched when your back touched the cold wall behind you. "Peter what are you doing?" You asked, trying to keep your cool. Peter had never been this close to you before. His hands were on either side of you, keeping you in the corner, and his body was leaning towards you. "You want me to tell the truth?" He asked, eyes trying to lock with yours. "No. I want you to move out of the way." You replied. Peter shook his head and closed the distance between you. He stopped so that his lips were hovering right in front of yours. There was maybe a centimetre of space between your lips. You gulped, slightly aroused by how close he was. Your heart was going crazy and Peter had this look like he knew how fast your heart beat was. "I want to kiss you." He said. There was a moment of hesitation before he pressed his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and gentle. It was like his kiss was trying to coax you out. And it was working. In a few seconds you found your lips moving with his. You let your bag drop to the ground so that you could tug him closer. He grinned as the two of you kissed and for once it didn't annoy you. He pressed against you, pushing you closer into the corner. Your lips continued to meet as the two of you made out in the corner of the Hale kitchen. After a couple of minutes Peter pulled away. Your eyes flicked open to see what was wrong and saw the grin on his lips. He turned away and left the kitchen, leaving you in the corner. "What... What..." You spluttered, "What the hell?!" You chased after him and saw him standing at the top of the staircase, the grin still there but half covered with his fingers touching his lips. "If your English skills were like your kissing skills you'd be top of the class." He said. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile forming on your lips. "You're insufferable."

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