Derek Hale: My Angel

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Rated: PG-13


His voice boomed across the lacrosse field, terror and dread filling his eyes as he saw his worst nightmare come to life. It felt like it was all happening in slow motion. The Mute’s pick ax flew straight into her chest, right above her heart. She dropped to her knees, her eyes wide with pain. The rest of the pack gasped audibly, Kira and Malia both stunned into silence. The Mute looked up at them all, raising a gloved finger to his nonexistent lips and turned to walk away. With an anguished howl, Derek ran at full speed towards the Mute, but once he reached him, the Mute had vanished. He immediately turned back towards his fallen mate, watching as Stiles propped her head on his lap. 

“No, no. Please not her. Anyone but her.” 

His whispers were heard by everyone as he kneeled next to her, taking her from Stiles’s grasp. She let out a blood filled cough and looked up at Derek, her face sickly pale. Her eyes were barely focusing as Death’s cold grasp slowly pulled her away from him. Derek, who could no longer hold back his tears, brushed some of her hair away from her beautifully shaped face. 

“You can’t do this. Please don’t leave me. Not like this.” 

His voice was cracking, his body racking with unshed sobs. She looked back at him, managing a small smile, wincing in discomfort as she did so. “I’m sorry.…I wasn’t…fast…enough.” She rasped as pain ripped though her chest with every breath. A single tear fell down her cheek as she fought to hold on to life just a little bit longer. Derek shook his head angrily, refusing to believe that this would be their final farewell. 

“No, don’t you dare. Don’t you say that. This isn’t goodbye. Please.” Derek’s voice was hoarse and the rest of the pack was in tormented shock. How could someone so loved and so kind be given a fate such as this? She smiled sadly at him once more, using her last bit of force to reach up and cup Derek’s cheek in her hand. “I love you, Derek Hale.” His lip quivered at her words and he knew that their time together was drawing to a close.

“I love you too, my Angel.” He whispered, pulling her close. Her eyes fell closed after his confession, loosing her battle against Death. Derek called out to her, gently shaking her, refusing to believe that the light of his life had suddenly gone out. This wasn’t right. This was never supposed to happen. She should have listened to him and stayed at the loft. But she was stubborn, a quality that he had secretly loved about her, and argued that she wanted to fight the Mute along side him, to protect him during his moment of weakness. He knew that he wouldn’t have been able to protect her, not without his werewolf abilities, but she was relentless and he caved. 

“I don’t care what you say, Hale. I’m not staying here and that’s final.” 

Derek rolled his eyes at her idiocy and turned to face her. What part of ‘I CAN’T PROTECT YOU’ do you not grasp? This is the one chance we have at killing the Mute and I don’t want to be distracted, worrying about your safety.”

She scoffed at him, crossing her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow at him. If the circumstances were different, Derek would have found himself extremely aroused by the sight of his defiant mate in her tight jeans, tank, and black leather jacket. But this was no laughing matter. 

“And what part of ‘I’M NOT LETTING YOU GO AFTER THIS THING ALONE’ do you not comprehend? Derek Hale, you’re going into a fight with a supernatural creature with no “wolfy” powers, as Stiles likes to call them, and you honestly expect me to stay here, waiting anxiously for your return? Did you forget that I’m a kick ass Beta, who, may I remind you, has kicked your ridiculously hot ass a countless number of times during practice?” 

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