Scott: Theater Love

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You weren’t so sure about going to the theater to see such a violent, terrifying movie but the smile on Scott’s face as he handed you a large bag of popcorn almost changed your mind.
“Why are we here already? Neither of us like horror movies…” You complained, following him between the seats.
He chose two seats in the last rows, there only was a few people sitting in the front rows, the ones who could stand watching an horror movie in 3D…
“Because Stiles keeps talking about it and for once, I would like to talk to him about something not werewolf-related.” He said, his sweet smile appearing back on his face when he looked at you. “Or not about how I feel about you.”
You smiled at him, not believing how easily you melted for him.

You put your 3D glasses on and he planted a kiss on your nose, before putting his and taking a handful of popcorns.

You were only 20 minutes in the movie but you already had to take your glasses off.
“Does it really have to splash everywhere?” You asked out loud, disgusted.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that it would be so bad” Scott said, laughing.
“It’s okay…” You answered, as he held your hand in his.
You kept watching the screen without your glasses. Although it was blurry, you still jumped everytime someone screamed and closed your eyes everytime you heard the noise of the chainsaw.

You jumped again when you felt something on your knee, crawling underneath your skirt up your tight.
“Relax, it’s just me” Scott whispered, amused by your reaction.
“Scott!” You said out loud once again, when you felt his finger pushing against the fabric of your panties.
“Come on, I’ve always wanted to try this… the movie is bad anyway.”
You looked around. There was only about five people sitting in the front rows and they didn’t even seem to hear you when you talked normally above the noise of screams and chainsaws.
You spread your legs open, inviting him.
He smiled and kissed you, looking like the happiest puppy in the world.
You both made yourself comfortable on your seats, your head resting against his chest while his fingers were massaging you through your panties.
You were close enough for him to catch each one of the deep breaths that you took, hear each sound that escaped your lips, showing him that you liked what he was doing to you.
You moaned as you felt two fingers entering you as far as the fabric would strech, your lips finding his by instinct.
You moaned again against his lips, feeling him kissing you deeper in answer.

You broke the kiss and moved in order to pull your panties down, not caring about the screams or the people surrounding you anymore.
You took your underwear off and tugged it in the front pocket of Scott’s jeans, feeling the hard tent that had formed between his legs.
He kept drawing some figures with his fingers around your clit, and then finally pushed a finger inside you. He moved it, curling it, taking it in and out giving you some pleasure but it wasn’t enough. You were growing eager and eager to have him inside of you and you were about to stop him and ask him to go back to your house to finish but a intense wave of pleasure unexcpectedly shook you, making you arch your back in your seat. You left out a loud moan before suddenly remembering where you were, nobody seemed to notice, except Scott…
“I want you so bad” He mumbled against your lips, his hand leaving you to unzip his jeans.
“We can’t” You managed to whisper, between two kisses, as he pulled his hard dick out of his boxers.
“That’s too late” He answered, leaving his seat to lie on the floor between the two rows of cinema seats.

You looked around, still nobody seemed to notice what you were doing or even aknowledge your presence so you took the hand that Scott was offering you and got on the floor. He held his erection in place for you and, holding your skirt up, you sat on him, biting your lip from the pleasure of finally feeling his perfect size sliding inside of you.
You rocked yourself on him until you felt close, the moans that you couldn’t keep quiet mixing with the sounds of screams from the movie. You both orgasmed at the same time, trying to keep the other quiet by placing your hands on each other’s mouths until you got back to your seats, slightly laughing because everyone was still focused on the movie and no one had noticed you.

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