Part 3

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"Lola? Fang? I didn't expect to see you guys here!" Janet exclaimed. She was about to enter Starr Studios just as Fang and Lola were leaving. She should've known they'd be here. They were both actors, after all. Starr Studios was a huge place in a far corner of Starr Park, and Janet had taken the bus. It seemed warmer here than the rest of the park. There were palm trees and more traffic.

Lola fixed Janet with a condescending glare. "Who are you?"

Lola didn't look exactly like she did in her movies. It was much more obvious how heavy her makeup was, and she looked a little shorter and thinner. Her voice was the same, though, with its heavy Colombian accent that wasn't quite as thick as Grom's Russian one.

Sensing the tension that was already forming between the two, Fang gave Janet a warm smile.

"Oh, right. You guys haven't met. Lola, this is Janet, my friend. She's a stunt lady and singer. Remember? I was telling you about her. Janet, I'm sure you've seen Lola around. You know who she is."

"It's nice to meet you, Lola. I'm a huge fan of your work."

Lola beamed at the compliment but kept her condescending demeanor. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm here to audition for a part in a movie. It's this kung fu musical thing."

Fang's face lit up. "Really? I was asked to play the lead in that movie! Which part are you auditioning for?"

"Christine– the main character's love interest."

Lola's expression turned from snobbishness to rage. "I am playinging Christine! Are you trying to take my part away from me?"

Lola had auditioned for a part? Huh. Why was she wearing a silk gown and high heels, then? Janet herself was wearing a dress shirt and slacks– slightly formal but comfortable.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lola– I didn't realize you also auditioned for that part. I–"

Lola interrupted, "How dare you! I'm the only one fit for Christine! No one can outshine my talents. You shouldn't even have considered auditioning."

Janet was confused. "Look, I'm sorry that you feel that way. I'm still going to audition, though."

Lola stamped her foot. "This is unacceptable! Fang, tell Janet that I, the leading lady of Brawllywood, should have this part!"

Janet couldn't stand it anymore. "No one thinks that of you, Lola! There's other girls out there who can sing and act! Fang, please tell Lola that I can also play Christine."

Fang shut his eyes and pressed his palm on his forehead. "Please, stop it. I don't want to get caught up in a stupid argument between two of my best friends. You guys both have the right to audition for this part."

Lola wasn't satisfied. "Janet should forfeit her audition. If you're defending her, then you're choosing her over me. Me! Your friend and colleague who has worked with you for so long, who played in countless movies with you, who bolstered your reputation by being seen in Starr Park with you. You should thank me, Fang, for where you are!" There was an edge of finality and warning in her tone.

Janet couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had known that Lola was arrogant, but this was far beyond what she expected. Did she really think that highly of herself?

Fang was clearly uncomfortable. Janet hadn't wanted to put him in this position. Still, if he defended Lola, Janet would've felt betrayed.

Finally, he said, "Lola, please don't say that. I appreciate everything you've done for me, and I'm sorry that you don't like Janet because of this. To be honest, though, Christine is supposed to be a year younger than Charlie– my character, that is– and no one will believe I'm older than you. Plus, Janet has much more vocal experience than you. I love your singing, Lola, but it's hollow and empty– Christine's supposed to be a romantic, enthusiastic singer who wants to be on Broadway one day. There, I said it– Janet should have this part."

A long silence followed. Janet expected Lola to look betrayed and hurt, but she just looked insulted. "Fine! I guess you'll have to find your own ride home!" With that, Lola turned on her heel, tossing her hair back and adjusting her fox scarf. She stomped toward the parking lot, where her magenta convertible was parked.

Janet's heart sank. She turned toward her friend, who looked shocked and a little sad. "Fang, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get between you and Lola. I know how important your friendship is to you."

Fang shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. She needed a reality check. Look, I have to go now if I want to catch the bus home. Good luck with your audition, Janet."

Fang ran off, leaving Janet with regrets and sadness.

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