Chapter Two

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Nathan pressed the end call button and placed his phone back in his pants pocket as he walked out of his advanced science classroom.
He walked through the hallway of Clearfield collage, on his way out of the building. Simply minding his own business, he was making his way to the double doors at the entrance of the building.

That was until someone fell into step with him and just walked right next to him. "Hey there mate." Said the person as he blew a wavy strand of sandy blonde locks out of his face and hazel green eyes.
Nathan internally groaned. He was not at all happy to see this person.
"Man, classes were very difficult today." The guy said with a tired groan as he slung a long thin arm over Nathan's shoulders. "So, are you going home now or something?" He asked looking at Nathan with a lazy carefree smile on his face.
Nathan silently took deep breaths to stay calm and resist the urge to knock this guy's arm right off his shoulder.
He really had hoped to avoid him. This guy was the last person he wanted to talk to.
His name was Xander Schemers, a person who is nothing but a big trouble maker. He was mostly late for his classes and he gets in to very stupid situations. He almost got Nathan caught and arrested by the police once because of his stupid actions. Xander came to Nathan one time about a job that would pay very well. Nathan didn't think much of it at first and went along with it. So he met up with Xander and his friends, which was a very big mistake. It turned out that they wanted to rob a shopping center in the middle of the night.
The moment Nathan realized what was going on, he sneakily slipped away the first chance he could. He knew he was taking a big risk doing it, but at least he came out okay in the end.

He took Xander's arms off from his shoulder. "No, actually I'm on my way to work." He replied as he continued walking. "And I don't want to be late, I might get in trouble for it, or even fired for that matter."
"Awe, come on man." Xander whined. "Why don't you just leave that stupid lame job of yours and then come hang out with me and my friends for a little bit this afternoon?" He kept up with Nathan, still with that nonchalant smile on his face. "Now why does that sound to me like that's trouble that's starting to brew?" Nathan commented as he opened the double doors of the college building. "It's all in your head man." Xander just gave a shrug of his shoulders. "But we are planning something huge though." A smirk formed on his face. "And if we do this job and pull it off, we'll hit the jackpot for sure."
Nathan couldn't help but rub the bridge of his nose as he walked down the small steps to the parking lot. He knew that whatever Xander and his friends were planning was usually never good. He learned his lesson the first time, and he wasn't going to bang his head on the same rock. "Xander, I have kept your secret." He said as he stopped by his motorbike. He turned around and faced Xaander. "But I'm not getting involved in one of your and your friends' crazy schemes again." He placed his hands on his motorcycles seat and looked Xander dead in the eye. "Not after what happened last time."
"Don't be like that dude." Xander rolled his eyes dismissively as his smirk grew. "This is a very big score we got here, and you'll be set for a very long time." He explained. "You won't have to work as a stupid waiter at that place again."
"Yeah, I have no doubt that you would be rolling in the money after this." Nathan exclaimed with fake excitement. "Until all the money is used up, and then you have to find the next big score, and then the next one, and before you know it..." The smile on his face disappeared and was replaced with a stoic look, and his voice lost all the enthusiasm it had before. "Your rear end is caught and stuck in jail and someone might just end up getting hurt, or worse, probably even killed."
"Please don't be such a spoiled sport about it dude." Xander simply just shrugged off Nathan's words as he went on. "It's not like we're going to hurt anyone." He told Nathan.
Nathan just gave him a look that basically screamed that he didn't believe him at all. "Need I remind you of the last time you brought me into one of your schemes?" He asked as he stood up straights once more and crossed his arms over his chest. "You guys robbed a jewelry store in the mall, which is illegal might I add, and I almost took the fall for it." He said. "But like I said, I didn't tell on you and your friends by the authorities as I promised." Nathan turned forward again and walked on. "But I'm not going to join you."
"It's nothing like that this time, I promise you." Xander continued as he waved his hands up and down. "It's going to be a lot easier, and the money is for certain a sure deal."
"Oh, really now?" Nathan tilted his head to the side and turned to Xander with his arms crossed over his chest. He knew there was way more to Xander's story than what he was leading on. "Then what kind of thing are you and your pals planning?"
Xander rested his hands on the handle bars of the bike and leaned closer to Nathan. "Oh, you see I'm afraid I can only tell you the plan if you agree to help with it."
Nathan pushed Xander's hands off his bike. "Well, then count me out of it." He stated firmly. "I don't get involved in things I don't know anything about, because that might just mean trouble." He got on his motor bike and kicked the stand back. "Are we done with this conversation now, or do you want to waist my time even more?" Xander raised his hands in surrender and stepped back as Nathan started the bike. "Good." Nathan put his helmet on and clipped it securely under his chin. "Now if you don't mind, I really need to get going." He closed the visor and revved the bike. "See you tomorrow Xander."

With those last words Nathan drove out of the parking lot and drove off.
Xander stared at Nathan's disappearing figure as he took off in the streets. "You too my friend." He said sarcastically to himself as he turned and went his own way.

When Nathan stopped at the mall, he immediately went into a small cafe called Cappachino's. He made his way through the tables to the back of the cafe and rushed to the boy's dressing room where a few guys were already sitting around in company outfits.
"Sorry I'm late." He put his bag down in an empty open locker and unzipped his jacket. "Hey Nath." One of his co-workers greeted him when he finished tying his shoes. "You're cutting it very short today, aren't you?" Nathan rolled up his jacket and put it in the closet next to his bag. "Yeah I know." He took off his brown shirt. "Something wash holding me up at school." As he put his old shirt in his bag, he took out his bright olive green work shirt. He put on his shirt and grabbed an apron hanging from a hanger next to him. "Do any of you know what my tables are today?"
A co-worker who was standing next to him spoke up. "My tables are ten and twelve, so I think yours might be eight and thirteen."
"Thank you Hannes." Nathan pulled the apron over his head and tied it behind his back. "I will just check with Gerald." "Sure man, no problem." Answered Hannes as he walked out of the dressing room with everyone else.

Nathan followed after them and went to get a notebook and pen just as his boss walked past him. "Good afternoon Nathan."
He quickly took one small book with a pen lying on the counter and chased after him. "Mister Gerald!" He called out to him. Gerald stopped and turned around. "Yes?" He asked as he unfolded his arms from behind his back. "Is there anything I can help you with today?" "Sorry to bother you sir." Nathan apologized as he came to a stop in front of him. "I just wanted to know which tables I have to wait on today. " He told his boss. "I wasn't here when we were assigned our tables."
"Oh, that would be table eight thirteen." He replied with a smile. "Thank you sir, I just wanted to make sure." Nathan replied. "No problem, Nathan, work hard today." Gerald said as he walked away. "And please get here on time from now on, I want all my waiters to be punctual."

Nathan nodded to himself with a deep breath before walking out of the actual restaurant, ready to start working. He walked to his first table where two people were already seated. "Welcome to Cappachino's." He welcomed them." My name is Nathan and I will be your waiter for today." He introduced himself before lifting up his notebook and pen, ready to write down their orders. "Are you ready to order?"
"Yes thank you." The man answered pointing on the menu. "I'd like a single espresso please." Nathan turned to the next person with the man. "And I'd like a creamy cappuccino." The lady said as she closed the menu and placed it down on the table.
Nathan wrote down the order and looked back at them. "Something to eat?" he asked. "Oo, no just the drinks for now thanks." The man answered as he closed his menu as well. "Alright then, your drinks will be on their way." Nathan nodded his head as he took the menus from the table. He turned around went to the kitchen to give in the order.

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