Chapter Nine

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As his gang went to the classrooms Benji and a few other of the guys made their way to the principal's office.
As they came in Miss Monique was busy with on the phone with the police. She accidentally dropped the phone on the ground in shock and shot up from her chair when the door swung open. "Sit back down." One guy ordered as he pointed his gun at her. She lifted her hands up in surrender and slowly sat back down. The guy pointing the gun at Miss Monique ordered her to follow them. She slowly stood back up and did as he ordered.
Benji walked to the principal's office and with his guys and the receptionist behind him. He opened the door and held up his gun and pointed it at the principal who was busy on her laptop, looking at the camera footage of the school. When she saw them come in she calmly and slowly lifted her hands in the air.

They took Miss Monique and Mrs. Jaqueline and placed them in the corner together.
Benji pointed his gun to Miss Jaqueline. "You, where's your phone?" He asked. "It's in my drawer, over there." Mrs. Jaqueline answered as she pointed to her desk. Benji gestured for the one guy to get the phone. "Get that phone and hand it over to me." The guy went to the desk and dug the phone out of the drawer."You." Benji pointed at Miss Monique. "You don't have any phones on you, do ya?" The guy came back and handed the phone to Benji. "Search her to make sure." Benji ordered his men. The guys did a quick search over her before they looked back at Benji. "She's clear. " They spoke as they walked back to their places. Benji took the phone and put it in his pocket. "Good, now I am going to keep this, just to make sure you two don't get any ideas to call anyone for help."
Benji stepped closer to the two women and pulled Miss Jaqueline to her feet. He dragged her to her desk and placed her on the seat. "Now I want you to go on to this school's Facebook page." She looked at him quizzically. "Why do you..." before she could finish her question Benji pressed the he had on her forehead. "I don't want any questions, just do it." He yelled out. Miss Jaqueline stayed silent and turned to the computer.

As she took a look at her computer screen she saw a glimpse of small  movement on CCTV camera 4 which was the camera in the Reception office, just next door. When she looked closer she saw that it was Nadia try to get in through the window.
She immediately clicked the red cross and closed the footage as fast as she could. Silently she spared a glance at Benji to see if he noticed. A little rush of relief came over her when she found him writing something down on a piece of paper next to her. She mover her mouse to the Facebook icon and opened the app. "I am on Facebook." Miss Jaqueline spoke as she moved her hands away from the keyboard. Benji looked up at the screen. "Okay good, now I want you to type this in and post it." He placed the note in front of her and straightened himself and stood back.
She looked at the note and scanned through the words. 'Darling Academy is being held under hostage and the children and staff would not be leaving unless the abductors get 100 million rand.' Miss Jaqueline picked up the paper and looked at Benji skeptically. "Are you sure that they would pay so much just for our release?'" She asked. "This is just a school." Benji let out a sigh. "Just do it." He ordered in annoyance. "I-Im just saying I-I think you might be asking a-a bit much." Benji turned around and pointed his gun at her again. "Do you want me to shoot you?" She immediately shrunk in on herself and turned back to the computer and started to type the message on Facebook.
Suddenly a loud crash sounded from just behind the door. "What was that?" One of the guys asked. Miss Jaqueline panicked. She didn't want Nadia to get caught, but there was nothing she could do to help without looking suspicious at this point. "Guard these two, I will check it out." Benji replied as he walked to the door. Miss Jaqueline prayed with everything in her that Nadia was out of there by now, or at least hiding. She closed her eyes as Benji opened the door, waiting for him to start screaming. It felt like she was waiting an eternity for something to happen.

Benji looked around the office. He looked under the table and even tried the small storage room, but the door seemed to be locked. Nobody would be hiding in there if it was locked.When he looked around once more he lowered his gun a little. "It seems clear." He mumbled to himself. He turned back around and went back to the principal's office. "Are you finished with the message yet?" He asked. Miss Jaqueline's eyes snapped opened as she came back to reality. "Oo uhmm, not yet." She answered as she turned herself to the computer. "Then get on with it.'' He ordered as he made his way in to the small office again. "Y-Yeah of course, I'm on it." She said as she started typing on the keyboard.
She was filled with relief when he didn't find Nadia. But it also made her wonder what she was doing there in the first place. Nobody reported a missing child to their leader which she gathered was the guy with the red bandana over his head that gave her the note to type. So they must not know about her then. But shouldn't her most important concern be to get out of the school and not in to the office?
"It's done." She spoke up as she moved her hands away from the keyboard. "And did you post it on Facebook?" He asked as came closer and looked at the screen. "Yeah, I already posted it." She replied. Benji yanked her out her chair and dragged her back to the corner with Miss Monique. "Now that the message is sent all we have to do is wait to get our money." Benji spoke before turning to the two educators. "Until then I want you two to keep your mouths shut and stay still, got that?" Both of them lifted up their hands and nodded their heads.

Silent Voice Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora