Chapter Three

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A week has passed and the big morning has finally arrived. Cassidy was going to start her first day in a real school. She has been a little anxious about the whole thing, but she was still pretty excited about it as well. She might even make a few friends while she's there. This was the very first time in her life that she was going to a real school. Because she was a mute she couldn't have gone to a normal school, and her mother didn't have enough money for a special school. So she was home schooled her whole life.
That was until they found this school.

The alarm on her phone blared through the room, letting her know that it was time to get up. She blinked a couple of times to adjust to the morning sunlight coming from her window before sitting up on her bed. She gave her arms and legs a stretch and with a quiet yawn she rubbed the sleep form her eyes.
Gena who heard the alarm on the phone, came in to her daughter's room and switched on the light. "Good morning sweetheart, I see you set your alarm." She picked up Cassidy's laundry basket that was sitting in the corner before turned to her daughter. "How did you sleep?" She asked placing the basket with dirty clothes on her hips. 'Still tired.' Cassidy gestured with droopy eyes before grabbing her phone and switching off her alarm.
"Well you better wake yourself up really quickly." Said Gena as she turned around. "We are leaving in an hour." She made her way out of the room. "I already took out your cereal and packed your school lunch so long." She called from the hallway. "It is on the kitchen table."

Cassidy pushed her covers off and went to get dressed. Her new school uniform was folded nicely on her desk. A white school shirt with a knee high navy blue overdress and a pair of silvery short leggings. Her clean polished school shoes were on the floor next to the desk with a pair of dark blue socks neatly in the one shoe.
She put on her school clothes and did her hair in a neat ponytail. After she was done putting on her whistle necklace around her neck she went to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. She brushed her teeth after she finished her cereal.
By the time she was done with everything it was almost time to get going. She grabbed her bag and took her lunchbox from the kitchen counter before making her way out to the car. Gena unlocked the car from the door as she fixed the strap of her handbag and followed Cassidy out of the house. She climbed in to the car and turned it on. After opening the gate they were off to Cassidy's first day of school.

They arrived at the school not too long after and Gena was lucky enough to get a parking space right in front of the entrance of the school gate. Cassidy looked through the parking lot where children in the same uniform as her were saying goodbye to their families and making their way to the school. The kids joined their friends as they entered through the gates, making their way into the building. On the wall next to the gate the school logo stood proud with the school name written directly under it in bold letters.

Darling Academy

Her mother told her all about the school last night. It was supposed to be this private school for children who were a little more special than normal kids, so they can learn at their own pace without any distractions and judgments. Almost like a completely safe environment for them to grow.
"What do you think hun?" Gena asked as she looked down at her daughter. "It looks nice huh?"
Cassidy turned her attention to the children who were all having fun in side the school once more. They were playing around with each other in the school yard as some teachers walked around to keep an eye on them and welcoming arriving students. She looked back at her mother. 'It sure looks lively.' She gestured with her hands.
Gena opened her car door before replying with a smile. "It does, doesn't it?" She climbed out of the car with Cassidy following swiftly after her. They closed their doors and made their way in to the school building.

As they came to the receptionist office they were directly shown to the principal's office where the principal was waiting for them by her desk. The principal, Miss Jaqueline was a small stout woman with short light brown curly hair falling neatly in place with big sea green eyes shining with kindness which popped under the light blue eyeshadow and dark navy blue eyeliner she was wearing, topped with long black lashes with mascara on.She looked almost like a modern day fairy-godmother, like she would be the type of person that if you have any trouble or something was bothering you she would pull out a batch of home baked cookies and go make a nice hot cup of tea while listening to you.
She kindly gave them a full tour of the whole school, showing them all of the classes Cassidy would be taking and even introduced them to some of the teachers who would be giving Cassidy some of her classes along with a few kids.

"Do you like what you have seen of the school Cassidy?" Miss Jaqueline asked as she rummaged through her desk drawer.They were back in the office to sort out the last bit of details. Cassidy nodded her head and made some gestures. "She said that she really likes it, and she can't wait to begin."Gena explained as she put a hand on Cassidy's shoulder.
"That is good to hear." Miss Jaqueline replied as she placed a small book on the table. On the cover of the book was the same logo she saw outside on the gate. It was printed in navy blue, silver and white, the colours of the school. The background of the cover was a lighter shade of blue along with thick white stripes and thin silver glittery stripes. "We really want our students to enjoy their time here at Darling Academy as much as possible, though I am going to have to ask you to bring your previous work to school tomorrow so we can evaluate where we can start with you." She slid the book over to Cassidy. "This is your homework journal where you would be writing all your homework assignments and important dates for stuff like field trips and stuff like that." She explained."Inside on the front cover of the book you will find your daily schedule for your classes."
Cassidy opened the book and found a timetable divided into five columns with the days of the week written at the top. Each column was also divided in five groups where times and classes were written in. "You will also find an information sheet on the first page of the book which I want you and your mother to fill in tonight, jut so we can know what to do in case of an emergency, so we can be prepared."

Miss Jaqueline stood up from her table and opened her office door. "Miss Monique, would you be so kind as to take our new student to her class please?" She asked the receptionist who was busy typing on her laptop by her desk. "She is in Mrs. Sandra's class."
The receptionist looked up from her computerand glanced at Cassidy before looking towards Miss Jaqueline. "Of course." She replied as she stood up from her desk.

Cassidy gave her mother one last quick hug goodbye. "Have a great day sweetie." Gena called out before Cassidy left the office with the receptionist.

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