Chapter Seven

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A week has passed and Cassidy has settled in nicely at her new school. Most of the students and teachers were so kind and understanding of her.                  However there were a few kids that weren’t as understanding as the rest, but not everyone gets along with everyone.    All in all she loved the school so far.         

Cassidy walked through the halls on her way to her morning class to set down her bag.
“Cassie!” She turned around and found Nadia waving at her as she made her way through the crowd of students. She came to a stop in front of Cassidy as she grabbed on to the straps of her bag. “How’s it going?”                                            Cassidy gave a thumbs up before she pointed at her. “Me?” Nadia asked. “Well I’m doing fine thanks sis.” She replied.       
Ever since their first time meeting each other Nadia decided to dub Cassidy as her honorary school sister, and they have been inseparable ever since. You would always find the one with the other during break times.                                                                                                  “Hey do ya maybe want to come over this Saturday for a bit?” Nadia asked. “You can even ask your mom, if you wanna sleep over.                                          Cassidy's face lit up with excitement as she rushed through the hand gestures. “Woah, woah, woah, chill girl.” Nadia spoke with a smile. “You know I can’t read sign language that well yet.” She teased. “Heck I could barely see your hands.”                                                        Cassidy gave an apologetic before she hold up a finger. She opened her backpack and rummaged through it.

As she searched for the little book someone bumped into her.
“Hey watch it.” Someone rudely called out and on instinct Cassidy backed away and apologized with a few gestures of her hands.                                                      The person she bumped into started to laugh. It turned out to be a boy with short blond hair. He was usually pretty rude to kids around him, especially if he thinks he can get away with it. “What is going on with your hands?” He asked rather rudely.                                                  Knowing what was about to happen, Nadia stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Cassidy’s shoulder. “She was just apologizing after you bumped in to her.” She explained as she gave the boy a warning glare.                                    The boy however, didn’t notice it as he kept looking at Cassidy. “Wait, aren’t you the new girl?” He asked as he tilted his head with a little smirk barely making it way on his face. “I heard you were deaf.” The smirk on his face grew a little. “So you can’t hear me, can you?” He asked as he stepped closer to Cassidy. “Can you here me now!!” He yelled in her face, every word slow and really loud.
Cassidy flinched as she covered her ears from the volume of his voice. Nadia saw her discomfort and pulled Cassidy behind her. “Stop that, she can hear ya just fine Shaun.” She gave him another warning glare.
Shaun wasn’t fazed by it as he gave her a challenging look. “But isn’t she deaf?” Nadia shook her head as she folded her arms over her chest. “She’s mute genius, not deaf.” She explained. "She can hear just fine."                                
Shaun rolled his eyes. “Is there really a difference?” He retorted. “Do you even know what mute means ya idiot?” She yelled.                                                               Shaun simply gave a shrug as if he didn’t really care. “No, but I bet she’s faking it.”

Cassidy grabbed her booklet and pencil from her bag. Just as she opened it Shaun knocked the book out of her hands. He used so much force that she stumbled back.                                    “Would you stop that!” He screamed in her face. “Use your voice, it’s not that hard.”                                    
As she was about to pick up her booklet again he grabbed it and held it over his head. “What’re you going to do now?” He taunted as he kept the book away from her. “Now you will have no choice but to talk.”

Miss Lani, who just came out of the staff room saw the commotion and made her way to the three kids. “What’s going on here?” She asked which caused them all to stop.                     
“Shaun was teasing Cassidy, and now he doesn’t want to give her book back.” Miss Lani looked at Shaun, waiting for him to answer. “She’s faking it ma’am.” He whined. “I heard her talking.” Nadia immediately stepped forward. “She did not talk, I already told you she’s a mute!”           
Shaun turned to Nadia as he pointed a finger to Cassidy who was leaning against the wall with her hands covering her ears. “How come she can hear what we say then, huh?” Nadia pushed his hands down. “Mute doesn’t mean there is something wrong with her ears.” She challenged.

“That is enough!” Miss Lani spoke firmly. She took the book from Shaun’s hands. “You are making Cassidy feel uncomfortable with your screaming, and that is not how we treat other students here.”                                             She walked closer to Cassidy and handed the book to her. “Why don’t you go wash your face and go to class, okay dear?” Cassidy gave a soft nod and walked away.                                      
“Why does she get to go?” Shaun asked angrily. “She’s the one that started it.” He huffed as he folded his arms over his chest.                                                                   
Miss Lani turned to them. “What exactly happened?” Just as they opened their mouth to explain, Miss Lani stopped them. “And one at a time please.” She turned to Nadia. “Let’s start with you.”
“Cassidy accidentally bumped in to him and she tried to apologized but he just started to be mean to her.” Nadia explained.                                                      “I was not!” Shaun exclaimed. “Quiet please Shaun.” Miss Lani reprimanded him. “Nadia is talking first, you can explain after she’s done.” She turned to back to Nadia “Now how was Shaun mean to her exactly?” She asked Nadia. 
“He was screaming in her face and then told her she was faking of being able not to talk and then he hit the book out of her hand when she wanted to write in it and then kept it away from her.” Nadia replied.                                                              Miss Lani then turned her attention to Shaun. “Do you have anything to say about this Shaun?”    
“I heard her talking Ma’am, she was faking of not being able to hear.” Shaun whined. “Okay, how did you hear her speak?” Miss Lani asked. “I can’t remember…but I swear I heard her miss.” He kept on. “I mean she can hear us, so of course she would be able to talk right?”
Miss Lani took in a deep breath before letting it out gently. “Just because someone can hear doesn’t necessarily mean they can talk. “Cassidy’s problems are in her throat.” Miss Lani explained as she knelt down to Shaun’s view. “And even if she was probably faking it does not mean you keep their belongings from them and screaming in their face.” She went on.                    
“But..” Shaun was about to complain again before Miss Lani cut him off.. “Is that clear?” Shaun saw that he wasn’t winning so he looked down at his feet. “Yes ma’am.” He mumbled out.        
Miss Lani gave him a smile. “Good, but I am going to have to give you a demerit for what you did Shuan, it wasn't very nice.” She explained. “But now I want you both to head to class, Cassidy will be there shortly.” She stood up again as the children went on their way.

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