Chapter Four

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Cassidy followed Miss Monique as she guided her through the hallway of the school. She looked around the hallway as they walked.
Lockers lined the walls, and poster were hanging on a few open spots.
Each class they walk pass had a nameplate on the wooden doors with different teachers' names on them along with the classes they teach. And by the looks of it ,every door had a name plate on them. Miss Carmen with Arts and Crafts under the name, Sir Benjamin with Fitness and health, Mrs. Lani had the words Cooking underneath it, and the name Stanly had Plantations and Gardening written underneath. Those were the names Cassidy read as they walked pass. She met most of those teachers earlier this morning and she was not at all surprised at the classes they teach.
Miss Carmen did look kind of creative if her class was anything to go by, and Mrs. Lani smelled like freshly baked food, Sir Stanly looked like he worked in the sun most of the time with his tanned face.

Miss Monique stopped in front of one of the classroom doors and knocked on it. Cassidy took a looked at the name plate of the door. She was pretty curious at who her teacher was. On the nameplate of the door said Mrs. Sandra with the words Languages directly under it. Cassidy remembered that she was introduced to a teacher with the same name. She wondered if it was the same teacher she met when the principal showed her around.

"Come in." a Feminine voice called out from inside the classroom. Miss Monique opened the door when she heard the response. "Sorry to interrupt your lesson Mrs. Sandra, but I am just here to drop off the new student." Miss Monique said as she opened the door a little more for Cassidy. The teacher, Mrs. Sandra was standing in front of the class with a book in her hand. It looked like she was in the middle of explaining something. She was slender and tall with long blonde hair in a high ponytail. It was the same teacher she met when the principal showed them around.
Her big brown eyes briefly landed on Cassidy before she turned her attention back to Miss Monique. "Alright, thank you very much." She looked back at Cassidy and beckoned her closer. "Come on in dear." Cassidy slowly made her way to the new teacher, giving a few glances at the children in the class.

Miss Monique closed the door once again when Cassidy was inside the classroom and went back to the receptionist office.
"Nice to meet you again Cassidy." Mrs. Sandra greeted her before placing the book on her desk. She turned to the students. "Alright class." She called out to the children. "We have a new student here today as you can see." Standing next to Cassidy she placed a hand on her shoulder. "She can't really speak so I want you all to be very patient with her please." She looked back at Cassidy with a smile on her face. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the kids?" She turned to her table and picked up a white chalk that was in a small bin. She turned back to Cassidy "You can use the black board if you want." Holding out a white chalk to her she pointed to the black board. "Here is a chalk." Cassidy accepted the chalk from miss Sandra and turned to the big dark green board in front of the class. She began to write with the white chalk.

My name is Cassidy Brimmers

Nice to meet everyone

Mrs. Sandra stepped forward again. "Welcome to the class Cassidy, I hope you enjoy it here in my class, and I hope the children here will make you feel welcome." She said.
"You can take a seat by... let's see." Her eyes scanned over the children before it stopped by one. "Uhm Nadia, can you please raise your hand for me?"
A hand lifted up in the air somewhere in the fourth row. The hand belonged to a small stout light brown skinned girl with dark hazel coloured eyes. Her hair was in thin tight braids that just barely touch her shoulders.
Cassidy walked to the empty table next to the girl and took her seat. She placed her bag on the ground next to her. It was leaning on the foot of the table.
"I am counting on you to help her catch upon the lessons she missed?" Mrs. Sandra told her. "Would that be okay?"
The girl dropped her hand and nodded her head. "Sure thing ma'am." She moved her chair and desk a little closer to Cassidy and placed her workbook and handbook in between the two of them and opened both books on the first activity they did in the beginning of the year. "Okay, we While Nadia explained what to do, Cassidy with her own book out, wrote the whole thing down.

When break time finally came Nadia took Cassidy with her so they could spend their off time together. And spend time they did, the two girls happily chatted with each other...well mostly. Nadia did all the talking while Cassidy wrote down what she wanted to say, along with some sign language which she was teaching Nadia.
"Wait, can you show me again?" Nadia asked as she scratched her head, trying to make sense of what Cassidy was showing her. She didn't see pay catch the whole thing yet. Cassidy repeated the gesture once again more slowly. She touched her mouth before bringing it back down stopping just by her stomach with her arm out in front of her. The next gesture was basically the same but at the end her arms went completely down to her waist. Nadia mimicked the first gesture. "This is sign language for 'thank you'?" She asked as she did the gesture again. Cassidy nodded and Nadia continued with the second gesture. "And this means 'please'?" Once again Cassidy nodded in affirmation. Nadia did the two gestures again before laughing. "These two look the same." Cassidy gave a smile before pick up her small booklet and pencil from her lap. She wrote in the booklet and showed it to Nadia. 'It does seem like it but it's not, the one is shorter than the other.' Nadia read the message. "Oo, so that's why ya only go half way with 'thank you." She concluded as Cassidy gave a nod of her head once again. "I wanted to ask ya about that but I guess I got my answa." She replied as she tapped her lip.

Her mind wandered to Cassidy and her situation as she glanced at the girl, contemplating whether or not she should ask. "Sorry for askin' this, but how did ya lose your uhmm.." She tapped her throat with an uncomfortable look on her face. Cassidy realized what she was trying to say and picked up her book from her lap again. Nadia stepped closer and peeked over Cassidy's shoulder as she wrote. 'I was born with weak vocal cords and when I screamed for the first time as a baby they got completely damaged.' Nadia gave a soft hiss as she read it. "Oof, that's terrible." Cassidy just gave a shrugged before writing another message in her booklet. 'My life was basically filled with doctors.' Nadia peaked over Cassidy's shoulder to read the message before moving in front of her. "Sounds tiring." She sat on the small wall next to her. 'You have no idea.' Cassidy wrote down. She drew a tired face underneath the message and held it opened next to her face giving a pout as she bent her head down.  
Nadia laughed at that as Cassidy looked back up with a smile on her face. She was glad she made a great friend on her very first day of school.

The rest of their break consisted of the two girls just joking around and having fun while Cassidy taught Nadia more sign language. When the bell rang to end break they made their way back to their next class with Nadia leading the way.

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