Chapter 6: The Reading

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I felt like I was getting Myles ready for battle. This time he would be the only one fighting, I would be down here hiding. Coward doesn't even begin to describe me. Is it so wrong to be relieved that Myles was risking his life for the millionth time just so I wouldn't have to? I literally just got him back and now he's off again. And I was going to have no one.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Myles again. "I just think that maybe Connor has this. I mean from what I can tell, he can take care of himself. Go let him die. He has nothing to live for, you do."

"You do know that I'm standing right here, right?" Connor interjected.

"I know," I glared back at him before turning back my attention to Myles. "I don't understand why you want to leave me right now. We just got each other back. If you love me, you wouldn't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you. I will be back in no time," he turned and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. I wasn't feeling the hug though. I would be happier knowing that he was safe and right by my side.

"Are you two done with your little love fest?" Connor asked rudely.

Ignoring him, I replied, "Be safe."

"Mason, we've been through hell and back. There's nothing that can keep me away from you."

Yeah, except death, I thought. "You say that now, but when you don't come back, then you'll be looking like the fool. Why are you doing this? Angela was my friend. I almost got her killed. It should be me going."

Myles let out a sigh, "I love you. I want you to know that."

"I already know that," I folded the collar of his shirt that Benny gave him. "I just don't want you to do this."

"I want to look for Heir too," Myles said.

We hadn't seen Heir in so long that it came as a shock to me. We had no idea what could have happened to him while we were in captivity. I didn't know if he was dead or not. He probably thought we abandoned him.

"I want him to be safe too, but I don't want to let you go."

"I know, but I can be stubborn too," he gave me a peck on the lips. As he pulled away, I caressed his cheek and pulled him into another kiss.

Benny whistled as he walked into the room, "Get a room!"

Connor sighed, "Can we go now?"

"Do you have a problem with me kissing my fiancé goodbye?" Myles turned to Connor. That was a bit shocking to hear. I never heard him say fiancé. It was an outdate term that I read about in old romance novels.

"Fiancé?" Connor glance between the both of us. "Look, I don't care what you two are to each other, but every minute we're here is another minute Angela is lost. She could be dead or captured for all we know!"

"And whose fault is that?" Myles asked sarcastically.

"It's your so called fiancé's fault," Connor growled.

Myles jaw clench and I knew he was about to start something so I tried my best to defuse the situation, "are you hungry?" I asked Myles.

"No, I'm fine," he replied as he pulled on his coat, also given to him by Benny, and zipped himself up. "Okay, ready," he said to Connor nonchalantly. "Bye Mason," he bit his bottom lip and glanced at me before leaving with Connor in tow.



I sat on the bed just thinking of everything Myles and I went through over the last year including our time in confinement. Nothing could break that bond. Hopefully, not even death. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was already missing Myles and hoping for Connor's demise if something would happened to him.

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