Chapter 8: False Enemy

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"Ury, do you really have to greet new people that way?" Jesse asked. I was on the floor holding my bruised cheek, trying to choke down the taste of blood in my mouth and the urge to cry. The first word that came to my mind was bitch. "Give me your hand," Jesse reached for me.

I stood on shaky legs, afraid of what Ury had planned next. "Why did you hit me?" I frowned.

"My apologies," she replied, "this is something I do to all our new members. I need to determine how strong you are. Weak is not an option when you're out there killing and trying not to be killed. This was nothing personal Mason. Can we shake on it?"

Ury held a hand out. I rubbed my throbbing cheek then shook. "I'll give you a pass now, but no more surprises. If you want to know something about me, then just ask. I don't like being tested."

Ury smirked while nodding, "understood. I think I like you already. Come on."

I let Ury walk ahead of me and Jesse because I needed some things to clarify. "Do I need to worry about her? Before I came here I was bullied and betrayed on numerous occasions. I just need to know if I need to stay guarded."

"What?" Jesse crossed her arms. "Ury is a major softy once you get to know her. Honestly, this is what she does to everyone new. Please don't let this be the reason you punk out."

"Punk out?" I looked at her bemused.

"Yeah, you know like chicken out."

"Oh," I rubbed my cheek again, slightly swollen, before we caught up to Ury. Well this wouldn't be the first time I got wrapped up into doing something I didn't want to do. "Why does she hit people she just met."

Jesse shrugged, "It's a test, like she mentioned before. She's a trainer and I guess that's her way of getting a feel for the new people. We get so many people coming in an out that we need know their worth. If they can't fight, then maybe they can cook, or clean, or even keep lookout. Everyone here has their purpose."

"Let me guess, my worth is fighting," I replied sarcastically. My cheek was still stinging but I could feel the swelling already going down. "I don't know how to fight." I barely know how to survive

"Then we'll just have to teach you then," Ury said.

"What if I don't want to learn. I've seen more death in the last year than most people in their entire lifetime. I just want to live my life." I stopped walking and Jesse looked back.

"Look, I know you've lost a lot, but if we don't start winning our battles with the Council, you'll lose a hell of a lot more. Why not go down fighting?"

"Because when I go down, and believe me I will, I'm afraid this time I won't be able to pick myself back up again," I admitted. I ran a hand down my damp hair.

"Maybe, but this time we'll be here to pick you up," Jesse said. "Now let's go. I'm kind of getting exhausted from your whining. This is not' Mason Faye I've heard of."

I placed both hands on my cheeks and looked surprised, "I think you're right. Who am I? Where am I?"

Jesse and I both started giggling. Ury turned around to see what was going on, "what's so funny?"

"Mason thinks she has amnesia. I think we should help her to remember," Jesse grabbed one of arms while Ury grabbed the other.

They literally had to dragged me with them. I dropped to the floor like dead weight to slow them down, but they were strong... very strong. After few minutes of them still dragging me, I gave in. It was no use and my shoes felt like they were going to slip off my feet.

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