Chapter 4: From a Broken Past

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“Hey!” a girl who looked a few years younger than me shouted. She had short hair and brown eyes. She reminded me of Jillian a bit. “Are you alright?”

I didn't realize that my eyes were closed, “huh?”

“It's not safe to walk through this hallway alone. The pictures and mirrors are enchanted,” the girl said holding her hand out for me, smiling. “Come on.”

I took it, but as she pulled me up, she almost fell down. “Sorry,” I muttered. “I don't know how to get back to my room. I was following Benny and I lost him.”

“No problem,” the girl said. “I'll bring you to him.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled, hoping she didn't she my mental breakdown. I hate looking weak. After all the shit I've had to endure over the last year or so, weak was something I couldn't afford to be. So what if Myles was mad at me. People have done worse to me. And if he really loved me then he would get over it.

The girl stopped in front of a door that I presumed was the was Myles and I were in. However, it baffled me as to how this girl knew exactly which room it was.

“Bye,” she waved before waling away.

I opened the door to see Myles sitting on the bed without a care in the world. He didn't even look like he wanting to know where I was.

“That was a pretty shitty thing you did leaving me in the hallways,” I scolded Myles. He didn't say anything. He just stretched himself out on the bed and brought his hand behind his head. I hate how casual he seemed, like we didn't just have our worst fight. “Myles!”

“You have two feet. You could have kept walking,” he said drying. That was unlike him.

“This place is weird. I just saw Jillian corpse through a mirror!”

“Sure you're not just loosing it?” Myles replied.

“What?” I shouted. “Are you serious? Just because I'm not ready to have a child doesn't mean you have the right to be this pissed off at me. I was only being honest. It's my body!”

“I bet you would have said yes to Noah?” he remarked, taking me off guard. “If you haven't already.”

I walked up to him, bent over, and gave him a hard smack in the face. He had no right to talk to me that way. If he wanted to hurt me, then I was going to hurt him. “Maybe I should have,” my eyes got bigger and I took a few steps back until I hit the wall on the opposite side of him. I slid down the wall until my butt hit the hard floor, burying my head in my knees.



Hours later and Myles was still staring at the ceiling blankly. Even when I smacked him, he do anything. But I will never forget the smile on his face as if he won some internal battle between us. I stare at him, glaring holes in the side of his smug face.

After all of the shit we went through, he throws Noah in my face. It made me want to tell him how I really felt. Maybe he should know that I still think about Noah and no in friendship kind of way. Maybe he should know that when Noah left a part f me felt like it was missing. Maybe I should tell him that I think I'm in love with two different people. But I could do that to him. There was way to much stuff going on, my fucked yup love life shouldn't be the last of our worries.


Myles sat up and said, “Come in.” Still, he wouldn't look at me.

Benny slipped through the door. Sensing the tension between me and Myles, he proposed we get something to eat. And my stomach happily agreed.

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