Chapter 1: Frozen

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Cold winter air stung my face as Myles and I trudge to Arch Hall with the Council guards at our backs. For the first time in months I was able to see Myles, but I can't even touch him. I wanted so badly to embrace him. His lips were severely chapped and his hair was longer and disheveled and he was walking with a slight limp, but he was still beautiful.

As I surveyed his face a little more, I noticed that his wounds have healed and now there lies a faint shadow of a broken past. My own hair was so oily it stuck to the side of my face and hung in tangles, clouding my vision. I groaned looking down at the tattered discolored clothes. It was weird. The only thing I could think of was my clothes and whether I smelled good enough to Myles. When he wasn't even looking me at. I craved his closeness for months now, but I've never felt lonelier being this close to him.

The snow was so cold that it was now burning my skin. Blisters covered my bare hands and feet but the guards were persistent. They were adamant about us not stopping or slowing down until we got to the building.

I kept thinking that being in jail for five months was some way to spend my seventeenth birthday. I had no one to sing that ridiculous happy birthday song I loved or to hug me or tell me that everything was going to be okay. It was just me and hundreds of other women loathing our time in confinement.

But I couldn't linger on those thoughts. It was time for our trial. I would say I was surprised but I wasn’t. The system was so fucked up that the only thing I am surprise about is that they were able to accommodate us in this “short” amount of time. Once we killed Henry, this was going to happen no matter what. The Council always came first. They would spend years finding some one who spoke out against a Council member than find a real criminal.

I would be lying if I say I didn't expect this. However, I didn't expect to be charged for all of those deaths. There was nothing I could do now though. They'd never believe a murderer. There would only be two verdicts today: life or death.

“What do you think they’ll say?” I looked to Myles who was blowing his calloused hands with his warm breath.

“Life. They can’t send you to death be-because you’ve done n-nothing wrong. You were d-defending y-yourself Mason. Besides, I was the one who s-shot the head of th-the Council,” he tried to reached for me but a guard slapped his hand down. The other guards guided us forward until we were in Arch Hall, the place known for giving out the most death sentences.

“I don't think that matters when most of the Council has gone u-up in flames,” I chuckled nervously. This wasn’t new to me. I’ve been threatened with my life before. This is just a bigger version of Victorn Girls Academy and living with Henry. The only thing that bothered me was if I was ever going to get solace. I am so tired of fighting and fearing the worst from people. I wanted what was taken from me: my freedom, my family, my sense of safety love. I glanced at Myles before the guard pushed me forward.

We didn't have time to study the building when we where thrust into the courtroom. A part of me was wary of seeing Keegan but once he learned that his father didn't transfer over leadership of the Council to him, he didn't see any reason to be here anymore.

“Sit!” one of the guards ordered as he pointed to a familiar, rickety-looking chair. “Your trial is first.” I stared at the bench as guards and other Council members take their seats.

For a long while, no one said anything. I just wanted it to be over. I hated the thought of never seeing Myles again. No matter what the verdict was going to be, we're never going to see or touched each other again and that scared me more than anything right now.

“Ah, Mason Faye,” a man sitting in the center stand said over a microphone. He had dark brown hair in a buzz cut, green eyes and was wearing glasses. His mouth poked at a cross between a smirk and a scowl. “You are being charged with murder. How do you plea?”

Fearless Mate (Auctioned Mate series book# 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora