Finding out

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Alex pov:

It was thursday and i was asking evry one of they wanted to go on my party. There was gonna lots of drinks and a WHOLE TON OF FOODS. I asked almost evryone and most of them acttited positevly. All tho when i came to ask Gray, he actted very...strange. He was actting quite nervous and even his hand were shaking. It was kinda cute tho...i mean his face was just adorble! He was all flusterd! OH WAIT,FUCK,I MEAN UM. ...You know what lets just prendend i didint say anything ok? But thats whats got me thinkink...why did he act that way? He only did that when i came. Does that mean...hes inlove with... No. No,no i must be just amaging thing! Yeah..yeah thats what it is! I mean he is strong and brave and he would any sort of chalenge. And his body to... i...falling in love with Gray? That would explane a lot but i mean. Thats not true!...right? I dont even know anymore. As he walked away (or should i say runned away) i could see he was really happy and all red in the face. He looked like he wanted to screem out of happines! God,hes adorble. I wonder whats gonna hapen...

[Im probobly gonna make a part 2 rn and if not right now,then il do it later!]

You Can Be The "Gray" For My "Still Plays" (;Where stories live. Discover now