Danny knew

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(Thanks, dude)


Alex pov:

After it ended, Gray looked at me, annoyed. He turned his head around and walked away without saying a word. Sitting on the couch, I thought to myself: ,,Why is he so proctetive?" I mean, he doesnt want to tell anyone about us and I doubt he ever told anyone he liked me. Is he...ashmed? That he likes me? Its the only thing I have been wondering about these days. My line of thought was broken when I heard my phone ringing. It was Danny but I didnt answer. I wasnt really in the mood to talk to anyone at that time. After a bit, I somehow maneged to pull myself thogethor and go into Grays room. I entered the room only find gray sitting there on the bed. I walked closer and noticed...tears? What the- Gray was the complete oppised of sensitive and I have never seen him cry! It stumped me a little but I still wanted to help him either way. I walked closer, not making a sound before i hugged him from behind. He just holed my arms and let one finnal tear drop.
,,I think this all messed up your head... How about we go outside a bit and maybe get some food!~" I said
,,...That would be nice" Gray said, his voice bearly above a whisper.
[A few min later]
Me and Gray were walking across the town when Gray wanted to get food. We stoped by to get hamburgers and as we were waiting, I noticed gray looked glad. I still didnt eccacly know why but I was happy I cheered him up. We stoped at a park and sat on bench while eating. Gray, immidiatly holds my hand and he started kissing me all over my face.
,,Stopppppp" I said, secretly enjoying it.

As he keept going, i noticed someone looking at us with a smirk across another bench. It was Danny! ,,DANNY, THAT YOU?" I said, exidetly. Danny was the first person I ever told about having a major crush on Gray. He helped me A LOT and im thankfull for it. I scoched over so he could sit with us.
,,Well, looks like you two love birds finnaly realized.."
He said as Gray turned his head the other way, blushing.
,,Ya know, i never really knew why you two dicided to come to ME and conffes you have a crush on each other, it honeslty confus-"
,,Wait, wait...us...TWO?" I said
,,Well yeah, you told me way before Gray did bu-"
I looked at Gray who was scared half too death. He looked at me and slighly nooded. He then looked at Danny and said:
,,But...if we BOTH told you, why didnt you tell us?"
,,You told me as me and Alex were thinking about making the party wich was about 1 month before the party"
Danny said ,,I thought about it and dicided, instead of telling you right away, I made a plan to make you two kiss! It did go a bit over board tho..."
,,Danny, im gonna give you more money" I said
,,Yeah, so am i" Gray replied. Danny predent like its nothing but it was obvios he was happy about it. Gray and me already finnnshd eating so Gray went to trhew the paper away.
,,Can you take mine too?"
,,Sure thing, darling"
Heh, he still remberd... As he walked, I wanted to ask Danny something
,,Hey um, when he told you, did he well..."act sensitive"...?"
,,Oh yeah, he honestly was sad all the time and sometimes even shedding tears"
,,What? With you too? How!? Hes not even close to what you just said!"
,,Well, I guess he is when it comes to a person important to him..."
As he said that I came to the realization how much he REALLY loves me. Hes though but if not having me is the thing thing that makes him sad...I just...dont know how...And why me? What did he see in me?
,,Hey, hey! Hello?!"
My line of thought was (yet again) broken by Danny
,,...Oh! Yeah, sorry about that"
,,Its fine, you used to this all the time when i helped you"
,,Jesus, how do you rembere everything..."
,, Thats a secret~"
He said. Frickin show off...After Gray came back, me and him left and started heading back home. As we were walking, i thought about Danny. That man helped out a lot, i thought. And its true. He was always there to help and be my side. I owe that man the world...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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