The dairy

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Alex pov:

The next day,i only had one task and that was to find that black notebook. The only way to do that was for me to go to Grays place. I didint even have to call him or anything he just called me and said he needed to tell me something and that i should come to his place. Ofcorse i agreed. I needed to find that stupid notebook! When i got to his place i waited untill he was discrated and then i went to his room. I looked evrywere and i found it! It wrote "dairy (DONT TOUCH)" on the front. I knew it waa wrong but i needed to find out! I looked trough it and i was schoked and i mean SCHOKED when i read it. It was about all the times we were thogeter and how he slowly found out he was in love with me. The last page was about what happend at the party. So he did rember! It said something about kissing me and us lying on the bed and making out. I cept quite becouse i wanted to know what he had to say to me. I hid it behind my back and sat down. When he came back,he sat down with a very cold look. He axplaned what happend at the party bit by bit and said why he didint tell me anything.
(After he axplend all of that)

"Im sorry Alex. If i knew what i was doing i wouldive stoped. Heck,i wouldint even think to do that let alone do it! I dont even know who posted that pic of us"!

"Oh,but you knew VERY WELL what you were doing gray~"


I then slowly pulled out the dairy from my back. Gray was so fucking shocked he couldint even speak proper english! He looked down with tears in his eyes. It just broke my heart to see him like that! So i just lifted his face up and we both started kissing then making out. As we were making out. Gray lifted me up and it soonly started getting more intense. It started getting hot and i mean HOT. I tried to stop him but it didnt work.
"Youre not gonna stop me. Just ecept it. I know you want it~"
He was right...i did want it. I started turning red and he quickly carried me to his bedroom. He put me down and locked the door. He told me to get down on my knees. I slowly got down looking at him in the eyes. I then slowly looked down at his...ya know what...and started drooling.
"Hungry, arent we?"
He said with a smirk. He slowly took off his belt and i forced his pants down.
"Hey, chill...~"
He said as he grabbed his underwear. He started to take it off and...

You Can Be The "Gray" For My "Still Plays" (;Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora