Thats terrible..

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It was a normal day at your house, the sun was shining, you were eating breakfast, p/n (pet name) was happy, you were happy, everyone was happy! except for Veronica.. but you didn't know this, you two had planed a whole day of fun activities for you two to do the other day.

You decided to call her so you picked up your phone and dialed her number. response.. you thought this was weird, she always answers her phone, you just brush it off as you think she's busy. You get up and get changed into you favorite outfit and some white sneakers. You decide to get into your car and drive to her house.

You hop in your car, play some music and start driving. The drive is about 30 minutes so you have some time to jam out to your favorite band! You love doing this.....

~~~~when you arrive~~~~

You get out of your car and go up to her door and knock. Her mother, Hermione, answers. "Oh hello y/n, can I help you?" She asks "oh hello misses lodge, I was just wondering If ronnie was ready to go, we have a date soon." You say with a smile. "Oh.. she didn't tell you..?" Hermiones smile quickly drops. "No.. tell me what..?" You have a hint of concern in your voice. "Well y/n.. come in and I'll explain." She backs away from the door allowing you to walk in.

You walk in and close the door behind you. You both walk to the couch and sit down. "Now tell me.. please." You look into Hermiones eyes. "Well y/n.. we recently found out her father died in prison... she told me she would tell you today but I guess she didn't.." "omg I'm so sorry miss Hermione! You must be hurt.." you pull her into a hug. She hugs back. "Yea.. it was very devastating to find that hurt Veronica so much, she's always in her room, and she barely eats.." "well.. is it okay if I go up to her room and try's her speak with her?" You are heartbroken.. your poor girlfriend is so upset and you aren't their to help her.. "ofc you can try, idk if she will talk tho.." "okay thank you miss lodge" you get up and walk upstairs to her room.

Hopefully you can be able to help her and talk to her, she means a lot to you. You hate seeing her upset

Part two? Do you wanna know what's gonna happen or is it okay here? Hope you liked how this imagine came out! I will try and update this story as quickly as possible so bare with me!! Byeee 🤍

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