Wake Up

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Wh- Where am I? It's pitch black... I can't see a thing... It smells weird in here... Almost metallic, oozy, heavy, rotting... Where am I goi- oof! What did I just bump into? It... It feels warmish, wet, lifeless, and it stinked... I think there's a wall here... And if there's a wall... There might be a light switch? Wait..... There is a switch... And....


~dim lights flicker on~

Now let's see- Oh my god! It- It's a body! It's a male's body, a nude one! A mutilated one! And I touched it! Oh my god!

"Darling! There you are!"

Crap! Run! It's him again! Why is this always happening!? Why can't he just leave me alone!?

"Slut! Come back! You're not done dying!"


"I'm sorry, Darling. But you have to die..."

~slits throat-

"NO YOU SON OF A BI- AAHH! -gurgle gargle..."

~blood sprays out of throat like a fountain~

"Ah!"I woke up, in my bed. I checked my surroundings, I was in my room. I checked my hallway, my closet, and under my bed. He wasn't here. I then checked my throat and feeling it. My throat wasn't slit open. Sweat dripped down my forehead. I touch my cheek, it was wet. I was crying in my sleep....

"It was just a nightmare..."I whisper to myself,"Like always. My god!" I look at my clock, it was four in the mourning. "Fuck... I can't sleep anymore... I'm going to be going through this again tonight too.... Great..."

"Good morning .... Claire..."

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