Chapter 1

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I walked into the dining room where my family sat for breakfast. I had school in about an hour, so I had to get ready quickly. I sat adjacent to my sister.

"Good morning sleepyhead," my sister, Elizabeth, greeted. I grunted in reply, before making myself a jam sandwich.

"Jeez, so grumpy!" She teased, crunching on her diet of a granola bar and a salad. She can say anything, but it would not convince me that it was an appetizing meal.

"You cannot convince me that you are happy eating that every day for breakfast," I deadpanned. She glared at me before responding.

"Good thing I don't have to convince you, and you're not any better. Look at your jam sandwich," She responded.

"Oh right, calm down, you rowdy kids! Can you drive your brother to school today?" My mom asked, but was more like a command.

"I can drop him off on the way," My sister relented.

I finished getting ready before heading out of the house. I jogged towards the car, where my sister was leaning against, impatiently. Before I could into the passenger seat, she stopped me.

"Nope! You don't get to ride in the front! Go to the back," My sister demanded.

"Why not? We are the only people present, so why can't I ride in the front?" I interrogated.

"Why do you think? I'm picking up Savannah on the way to drop you off," She answered, rolling her eyes.

I froze when I heard her name. Savannah Creed, head cheerleader and the most wanted girl on Alabama Crimson Tides Campus, and I was no exception.

"Hurry up, won't you? I don't have all day. I'm going to kill you if I'm late," She grumbled, oblivious to my inner turmoil.

Desperate to avoid confrontation on why I'm frozen, I force myself forward and into the passenger seat.


We waited right in front of Savannah's mansion. My sister was still annoyed that I had 'wasted her time standing there.' Her words, not mine.

Suddenly I saw Savannah leave her house, and she looked breathtaking. I couldn't look away from her cheerleading outfit, which left little to the imagination. She had wavy blond curls and the greenest eyes that you could get lost in.

In a dazed state, I didn't realize that I was still staring at her when she entered the car. It was only when she turned to face me, that I turned away. Perhaps I turned a little too fast because she started giggling and I was embarrassed.

"How's my little bro doing?" Savannah asked, jokingly. I hated that she referred to me as such, but I couldn't show that I did. The last thing I wanted was for her to think of me as her little brother.

"Hey, Savannah. How are you doing?" I asked, mumbling, and trying to make conversation with her.

"He suddenly turns into an extrovert when you're in the car, but when I greet him in the morning, all I get is a grunt," My sister observed.

"That's just because I'm his favorite, ain't that right, little bro?" Savannah asked, jokingly. My sister glared at her in response.

"Not if you keep referring to me as 'little bro,'" I responded, attempting to subtly ask her to stop referring to me as that.

"Oh, I'm heartbroken. You're gonna break all the girl's hearts this year, aren't you?" Savannah asked, hyping me up with the standard first day of school question, oblivious to the fact that I was the loser of the school.

"Yeah, because Elliot and I are the heartthrobs of the school," I answered, sarcastically. My sister chuckled, while Savannah seemed to have a small frown etched on her face.

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