Chapter 9

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Her lips were so soft. I could shiver at the taste of them, which I could recognize as strawberries. Her perfume scent invaded my senses, due to my proximity to her. However, her lips were frozen in place.

All logical reasoning was thrown out the window while I was kissing her. I doubt I could logically reason with myself, especially while kissing Savannah. Suddenly, she was kissing back, and I was doomed in the logical reasoning department.

When she moaned and her lips parted, I took advantage of this opportunity to slip my tongue in between her lips. When my tongue poked her tongue, she froze and abruptly stopped kissing me.

Suddenly, I could feel her arms shove me on the shoulders, to create space between us. She was wiping her lips while looking away from me. How great, the first kiss I ever had, the girl wiped her lips in disgust.

The kiss created an awkward silence, and it took me a second to think of the ramification of my actions. The first, and obvious issue was that she already had a boyfriend. By definition, she had cheated.

The second issue, and the bigger one were that she had made out with a high school boy. Don't get me wrong, this is not illegal in the eyes of the law, but was highly immoral in the eyes of society. I couldn't see why, as we were both mature enough to make the decision ourselves.

Screw what other people think of us. However, what I had failed to account for was if Savannah had a mutual perception of this situation. This often happens when I'm around her, as I'm not able to form any coherent thoughts.

After 5 minutes, we were both standing awkwardly beside each other. I was debating whether to talk to her or not, but I knew what was the right decision. I had to snap out of it and apologize to her.

"I'm so sorry, Savannah. I just got carried away, and I didn't think about my stupid action before I did it," I rambled, to be met with an awkward silence.

"Yeah, it's okay. This was all just a mistake, and we should just forget that it ever happened. Just don't mention it ever again, okay?" She rambled, in a panicked state, after the awkward silence right after my apology.

In a way, I was upset at the situation, as she had essentially told me to forget my first kiss with my dream girl. However, who was I to get upset when I had just forced her to cheat on her boyfriend? I deserved everything that was coming to me.

After she rambled, my family and her boyfriend showed up right outside the locker room. Luckily, they had not come 10 minutes earlier when I was kissing my sister's best friend and the boy's girlfriend. That would not be discussions that I would like to have.

"Finally! We were looking for you for 10 minutes! We couldn't find you guys, and we manage to find both of you together!" My sister groaned, huffing and puffing.

"I thought we were in agreement that we were all going to congratulate our game-winner together!" The boyfriend exclaimed. He would not be in this cheery mood if he had known what I was doing with her girlfriend just earlier.

"I didn't even mean to meet him. I was looking for you but managed to find him, so we went to a quieter place to talk. Don't tell anyone we were here though since I'm not supposed to be here," Savannah lied, forcing a laugh in the end, which the rest seemed to be oblivious to. If I didn't have hindsight, I would probably be fooled too.

"My boy! I didn't know you could play like that!" My dad exclaimed, with a proud expression on his face.

"I didn't like covering my eyes every time you caught the ball. It just means a higher possibility of getting hit and injured," My mom said, grimacing. We all chuckled at that.

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