Chapter 4

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This was the second time in the last 2 days that I have come home late without telling my parents beforehand. I was panicking, internally, at this. I knew I would get my stuff taken away, and I wouldn't be in contact with Savannah online. Not that she would know I got grounded because she had no idea who I was.

This was the second day in a row that I was taking a bus home. My sister probably got tired of waiting and went home. She probably will be pissed when I return.

Then, I remember that Savannah was there. I was going to get yelled at in front of her. As if I couldn't be any more embarrassing.

I entered the house where everyone was happily eating. It was about 6 pm, which meant it was time for dinner. When I walked towards the dining table, my parents' gaze was redirected toward me. A flash of fury was in both their eyes.

I quietly took a bowl, and filled it up with my mom's special spaghetti. I could feel her gaze burning a hole through me. It was quite uncomfortable, to say the least.

I took a seat in the only available seat, which was beside Savannah and my sister. I could see her boyfriend sitting right next to her, with his arm around her waist. I'm not going to lie, seeing that angered me.

"Where have you been?" My mom asked, starting the interrogation by going straight to the point. Not even a 'welcome back,' but I guess that is deserved under the circumstances.

"I had practice," I replied, hoping she wouldn't push it. However, knowing my mother, she would most definitely push it.

"I thought track practice starts next week?" She further interrogates me, analyzing me to see if I try to lie.

"Yeah, it does," I replied. After staring at my meal for a couple of minutes, I just couldn't resist it any further. I dived straight into the meal, as the practice has malnourished me. It was delicious, as always. Not too sweet or sour.

"So, you lied?" My mom asked, with a furious glare on her face. She hated when people were lying, but I wasn't lying in this instance.

"No, I had football practice," I replied with a nonchalant tone. My mother's expression had gone blank, while my father had a proud look on his face. My sister had spat out one of the meatballs, and Savannah choked on her water. Her boyfriend patted her back, attempting to help her, with a curious expression on his face.

"Let me guess. Wide receiver and you're on the junior varsity team," He guessed.

"Almost. I am a wide receiver but I am on the varsity squad," I replied with a smile. The smile on my father's face had grown, while both Savannah and my sister were shocked. What scared me, was that my mother's expression was blank, like Elliot's face when he first found out.

"No, you aren't to practice on the football team anymore," My mom said, like her word was final. I was shocked that she had said that.

"Wait, why? It could make my university application look even better. I don't even have any good extra-curricular activities," I pleaded. I needed to be on the football team if this plan was to work. Work hard, get a spot on the Crimson Tides, and hang around Savannah's friend circle.

"Yeah, come on! Our boy is getting out there more! He only has 1 friend, and that could significantly help boost his confidence. He might even get a girlfriend," My dad added. I was embarrassed by what my father had just said. Yes, I agreed with what he said, but his reasoning was said right in front of Savannah.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jason Mason, and I'm the starting quarterback for the Crimson Tides," He introduces, shaking my hand. I introduced myself to him, afterward.

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