Chapter 6

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It was the end of the school day right now, which meant I had football practice right now. I was making my way to the field when suddenly, I was approached by Jake and Isiah.

"Yo, is he the reason you've been pissed today?" Isiah asked Jake, as they approached me. I was unsure whether to keep walking or wait until they caught up.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, cautiously. I had an idea of why he was approaching me, but it wasn't my idea to approach Savannah.

"Why did the girl reject me, huh? You've been talking shit about me to her?" He asked, sneering. Oh, so he was pissed.

Suddenly I hear laughter right beside him. Isiah was clutching his stomach, while he was laughing his ass off.

"You seriously pressed about that chick? Seriously, get yourself together. There's plenty of beautiful women," Isiah interjected.

"Shut up, Isiah. He intervened and talked shit about me, and that's why she wouldn't take me seriously," He replied, angrily.

"Maybe, she just doesn't date some high school dude, when she's in college where there are plenty of football players," I corrected.

With that, they walked off toward the direction of the football field. I followed them but made sure to keep my distance. While Isiah was calm and laughing, Jake looked like a volcano that could explode any second now.

When I arrived at the football field, everyone was running laps around the track. The coach's focus was on the players running around the field, so I attempted to fit in with the rest. Unfortunately, the coach noticed before I could pull it off.

"Why are you late?" He asked, annoyed.

"I had to get some help with my homework, and the only option was to come after school," I lied. The truth was I would've been on time if Jake and Isiah hadn't approached me, but I wasn't a snitch.

"Since you're late, along with Isiah and Jake, you get to run 10 laps around the tracks like them," He said, leaving no room for negotiation.

I didn't want to argue, since that'll result in a worse punishment, so I jogged to the track to start running. The laps weren't difficult to run, as I'm the track captain. When I was on my last lap, Jake and Isiah finished their 10 laps.

When I saw Jake approach the coach, I could tell they were talking about me because they both kept looking forward at me.

"Josh, could you please come here right now?" Coach requested. Nervously, I made my way toward him.

"Hey, coach, what's up?" I asked, nervously, analyzing his face to see if what he said was going to be positive or negative.

"How are you doing right now?" He asked, analyzing my face to detect any potential lies. I felt like a scared little kid when he was looking at me like that. I could see a smug look on Jake's face, so I could guess that he had something to do with this.

"I'm doing alright," I replied.

"Are you sure? Nothing has been bothering you lately?" He asked, pushing further for an answer. Now, I was curious about what Jake told the coach.

"Nothing has been bothering me. I'm doing alright right now. Of course, a little tired," I joked, but the coach didn't seem amused. He was still analyzing me as if I was a science experiment.

"Really? Jake, over here, said that you looked distracted all day. I can't say I disagree with him since you did arrive late. Do those two things correlate to each other, Josh?" He asked, still with the same analytical look I'm growing to hate.

His Sacrifice (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora