f i f t e e n

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 "The barn is full of walkers." Glenn Rhee announced during breakfast the next morning. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, and his voice was unsteady as he fumbled over his words. One by one, each individual of her group began to look towards the asian man. Silence, fell over them as all conversations came to a halt.

 The vibe of the group had been off all morning, tension hung in the air so heavy you could cut it with a knife. Lenora was sitting next to Daryl in a foldable chair, preparing to take a bite of eggs, only for them to fall off her fork when she halted it in midair at the man's news.

"What?" She all but squeaked, breaking the silence. 

"I need to see this." Shane mumbled to himself before storming off in the direction of the barn. The minute he did, everybody else began to stand up and follow. Daryl kept a close eye on Lenora, not that she was going far. The girl was practically glued to his side as they reached the barn, standing timidly behind him as they stood there, watching Shane look through one of the many cracks in the wooden structure.

"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." Shane said, stomping over to Rick.

"No I'm not. But we're guests here." Rick reminded him. "This isn't our land." 

"Oh god man!" Shane began to shout. "This is our lives!" 

"Lower your voice." Glenn snapped at him. The walkers were aware of the commotion. The dead were now making their way towards the cracks of the barn, eyeing the group of survivors hungrily. 

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea said distressed. 

"It ain't right, not remotely." T-dog said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go." Shane said pacing back and forth. He worried Lenora, as he seemed to become more and more unhinged as days went by. "We've been talking about Fort Benning for a long time now Rick."

"We can't go." Rick said, holding out an arm towards Shane attempting to cut him off. 

"Why, Rick? Why?" Shane asked. 

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol said. The woman refused to give up hope that her daughter was alive. That any day she would return to her mother and embrace her in a big hug. 

"Okay." Shane said, closing his eyes in exasperation. He put his hands to his face and sighed deeply. "Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." 

"We're not leaving Sophia behind." Rick told him.

"I'm close to finding this girl." Daryl said, stepping in front of Carol and approaching Shane."I jut found her damn doll two days ago." 

"A doll, Daryl." Shane laughed. "That's what you did you found her doll."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about. " Daryl said, throwing his arm out in disbelief. Rick held an arm in front of the redneck man, keeping him from approaching Shane any further. 

"I'm just saying what needs to be said." Shane says, his temper boiling over. "You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours."

"Shane, stop." Rick said harshly to the man he called a brother, but the man's partner kept on going. 

"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming, all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction." Shane yelled, instigating the situation even further. Daryl approached the man, pointing a finger in the man's face. 

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