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Today was an unremarkable day of summer. At such a time it was quite warm and good. All the students had recently returned from a fabulous cruise on a desert island, so now we were all given the opportunity to spend our summer holidays taking into account the well-deserved rest legalized by the Japanese government.

Many students on these holidays were engaged in a variety of things for themselves. Someone just walked around the territory of our educational institution and enjoyed the fresh air with an admixture of the sea breeze, someone played all day long in consoles or arcade machines located in the shopping center, and someone else spent all his time with friends or a group of a circle of interests and directions, someone the other devoted himself entirely to full-fledged solitude for all the holidays until returning to the closed walls of the school.

In general, this list can be continued for a long time, since more than four hundred teenagers with completely different hobbies, life positions and thoughts in general study at this place. Of course, as one of this number of people, I also had some personal needs of my own, not counting sleep, food and water, which everyone needed.

In addition to daily workouts, watching the news on the Internet and spending time comprehending new culinary peaks, I decided to visit the library. Usually it was a quiet place that you could visit if you needed somewhere to study, read, even play chess or shogi. It was only shortly before the exams that it became noisy here because people were starting to form study groups and diligently study something together, helping each other to learn certain sciences.

In the general conclusion about the library, we can say that practically no one comes here on vacation. Today was just such a day, the more intense the heat encouraged even avid readers to stay in the dorm and not go outside. To be honest, I even had a slight sweat on my forehead and hands just for a short walk to here, which lasted a little less than five minutes.

Of course, the problem was also that in order to get into the library, located in one of the academic buildings, it was necessary to wear a school uniform, but these are minor concerns in my opinion. In any case, there is a working air conditioner in the library itself, thanks to which the effect of constant street heat is removed by 60-70%.

- Ayanokoji-kun!

As soon as I entered the hall of the vast library itself, a gentle, sweet and affectionate ringing voice greeted me. I already knew for sure that I only needed to follow this wonderful almost angelic voice in order to meet one special person. That's why my feet took me forward, straight to the other side of the library, where there were tables and chairs for students who wanted to stay here for reading books or other quiet activities.

There was no one else in the library, even the middle-aged woman who usually performs the role of librarian was absent now. Apparently, she also knew that apart from me and another young girl, no one else would be here all day. True, this does not negate the fact that in this way this woman shirks her direct duties, but who am I to condemn her?

Yet now I have come to the place, or rather, to the table where a young-looking sixteen-year-old girl who was a little younger than myself was sitting. As I managed to mention a little earlier, her voice was angelic, which also corresponded to her appearance. She was a short girl with clear purple eyes and long silver hair, some of her curls were also braided with black ribbons, which looked cute. If we talk about her in general, then she can be called smart, insightful, modest and sweet in all its manifestations. This girl takes great care of her friends, of whom, unfortunately, she has very few, and she also likes books to hell.

When we met for the first time, I only had to talk to her a little on the subject of detective thrillers and novels, so that she immediately saw me as a natural reader. After that, there was no stopping her, because she wanted to find out what I read, and tell me what she reads herself, as well as tell a lot more about everything related to books. However, I was not against this turn of events, as it was something new for me. Previously, I had never been able to meet a girl who was genuinely fixated on reading, so an interest in this young lady herself was born in the depths of my soul. Since then, this girl has always shared with me her books from her own collection, and also spent a lot of time in my presence in the library reading and discussing various works of both modern and historical world and folk literature.

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