7. We are best friends ?

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No. Wrong.

I didn't sleep a wink last night, tossed and turned in bed all night.

Morning was even worse; woke up to a text from Bella, saying that she'll be helping me with surfing since Elliott doesn't feel so good.

So now I am walking to the beach, extremely not-happy; it's only like 6 am but the beach is fairly crowded. I see Bella sitting on a bench in the corner of a shack we usually meet up. Seeing me, she stands up and walks over to me, smiling.

I'm so nervous and I don't even know why I'm nervous. 'Hazel, get yourself together. It's not like they we're married and Luka cheated on her with you. It's just a stupid crush that nobody knows of.' I try to cheer myself up. 'But why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong'.

I'm pulled out of my mini over thinking session when I feel a finger softly flick against my forehead.

"What's Hazel Jones frowning over about on this beautiful morning?" Bella asks me suspiciously, squinting her eyes.

'Trust me, you don't wanna know.' I think to myself.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go." I tell her as I move to the water without waiting for her.


We been here for over two hours, practicing. I think I'm getting better, by better I mean not falling over into water one out of ten times I tried.

Hey, I was born and bought up in a city with extremely over worked parents that  went on family trips very rarely. Learning to surf was out of the question.

Bella was calmly explaining where ever I went wrong. She was so patient with me, if it was me in her place I would've given up on me,very long ago.


'My younger sister can surf better than her.' 'I know, she can't even get her board steady.' I heard murmurs from a group of girls near us. I paid no attention to it. I'm not going to waste my energy on a bunch of what it looks like to be- high schoolers.

'What a loser.' 'Really pathetic' They started talking louder to get a reaction out of me. Too bad I don't give a fuck.

Unfortunately, Bella didn't share the same perspective.

"What did you say?" Bella spat, moving herself towards the girl in question.

"Oh, I was just talking about how much of a shitty surfer you're friend is. My sister can surf better than her and she's only five." She answered and smirked at me.

'Bitch'. I thought and again I refrained from showing any emotion or any response. And once again that was not the case for Bella.

"You Bitch"Bella seethed, plunging forward and grabbing her hair and pulling on it, which led to the other girl doing same.

"What the hell is wrong with you psycho?" the girl screamed.

I was in a momentary shock, the scene was almost comical. Two girls in the middle of the water, on their surf boards pulling out each others hair. I wish had my phone.

I was snapped out of it, when that girl bit Bella. Yep literally. Bella screamed but didn't let go of that girl's hair, instead pulled it harder.'Yes girl!'

"Nobody, I mean nobody messes with my best friend, you two dollar fake bitch." Bella said pulling even harder making the girl cry out in pain.

Before I even had time to comprehend her statement, I quickly pulled her away from the girl to stop any more attacks.

"Bella, come on it's not that big of a deal." I told Bella calmly.

"Yes, it is. She has no right to judge you." Bella retorted.

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