10. Reality is this really honest mean person.

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It's currently 6:05 am, it would be okay to say that I barely got any sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning while trying to sleep then gave up, played on my phone for hours, then tried sleeping again, but no such luck.

Last night, after the kiss, we said goodbyes and Luka left promising to text later.

He did. He did text me. Infact he even called, probably to know why I wasn't answering his texts. So I didn't pick up his call either.

Am I being way too over-dramatic ?

After Luka left, everything came crashing down to me, I initially thought we'd be just hanging out only and nothing would happen and that we'll be good friends but that's not how the night turned out.

And the worst part is, I liked it, I really really liked what happened last night, and I think I really like him.. Yeah..

That's not good, what about Bella? I can't do this to her. I mean why couldn't she be some mean girl that picks on others or a bully.......Why did she go and have to be the nicest person on earth.

She has been nothing but kind to me over past two weeks; she bought over home-cooked meals because she didn't want me to miss home, she kept me company when every one else was busy even when I told her it was fine, and when I got sick last week; she was with me the whole day looking after me and taking care of me like a big sister.

Yeah.. Big sister, I always wanted a sibling. My parents didn't actually want any kids but due to grandparents and their family pestering them they decided to have me just to shut them up, so my familial life was close to none.

Now that I had some sorta family, I had to go fuck it up.

I mean what will you do if a girl waltzed into life and stole your best friend and crush. I would be pissed. Yeah. Fuck.

Okay.. I need to get out. It feels as if the room is suffocating me. I need some fresh air.

Yeah.. A walk along the beach will solve all my problems. I hope so.


I change into a new bikini set and wore a sweat shirt on top of it; I didn't bother taking my phone since I was going to swim and it's not like there are many people to call me either.

Just as I open the front door, Saya dashes in.

"Dude, I feel like I haven't seen you in days" Saya mentions as she put down her overnight bag on the floor and turns to me.

"Well, somebody forgot that they had best friend when they found a girlfriend."

"I'm so sorry , I actually meant to come home last night and catch up on the latest gossip but Eva and me were so engrossed in talking, I lost count of time."

"Talking? Huh? I bet you didn't speak a word to each other the whole night."        I retort as I wiggle my eyebrows knowingly. Talking, my ass.

"Oh trust me, there were some talking involved. But enough about me, how'd the date go? "

"How much time do I have to say that it's not a date. And yes it was good. No,it was great. But I fucked up monumentally."

"Oh no. Come on spill."  With that she dragged me out of the house, closing the door behind us and walking towards the beach.

Over the next hour, I explained the last evening events and how my mind is in absolute haywire.

"From what I heard now and seeing you both for the past two weeks, I think the boy is completely into you, I don't know about love since you only known each other for a few weeks but damn it looks like something like it. And this matter is between you two, I don't think Bella has a say in it. But if you think it's gonna affect her, then you should talk to her. It's better that she hears it from you than somebody else. And if she's as good as a friend that we think she is, she's gonna be on your side and if not........ We'll deal with it when it comes."

"So what am I supposed to say 'hey Bells, can I date you're long time crush, I really like him, I hope you don't mind." God, this is so frustrating, this vacation was all about having fun and stress free. Look how that turned out.

"Yeah, something like that. Be sure to smile a lot." Saya retorts.

"It's not funny Saya, ughh!! How did I come to this. But let's think hypothetically that she's okay with all this, she's fine with me and luka being together, then what? I'm leaving in one week, moving across the world from him. Ldr? You think that would work? It's not like we know each other for years like some people."

"Now, that's a decision that's solely yours to make. But for now, why don't we conquer the Bella issue, so that you can pick up the poor boy's call, he's probably wondering what he did wrong. Plus me and Eva are going to the mall in the town next to us, why don't we make this girls trip?" Saya says as she looks at me for the green light.

"Today?! I need time to build up the nerve to talk to her!!!." I say to her with a deadpan look on my face.

"No, no. The more you delay it, the worse it's gonna get. I'm going to text both of them." And with that she drags me back into the house.



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