Part 14

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Time skip to the trip to France.

~Addy's POV~

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much" I wrap my arms around Alex.

"I'm going to miss you too" he kisses my forehead.

"Flight 45 to Paris, France is boarding now" the speaker says."

"That's your flight" he sighs, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I don't want to leave"

"Addy I'm freezing my tits off we have to go" Sofia sighs, her breath showing in the cold air.

"One second"

"You'll answer my calls whenever?" I look him in the eyes.

"Of course" he smiles sadly at me.

I kiss him and hug him one last time.

"Have fun" he wipes more tears from my eyes.

"Ok..." I sigh and grab my bags.

We walk to the gate and get on the plane. I have the window seat.

I found out the people that helped me get to France. Sofia, Rory and my sibling Ash.

"It'll be ok" Rory rubs my back, sitting next to me.

I nod and pull my laptop out, logging onto Netflix.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Rory, handing her one of my earbuds.

"Sure. Sofia's already passed out anyways" she giggles.

"What movie are we watching?" she pulls the blanket over her.

"I'll give you a hint" I clear my throat.

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible." I state a line from the Bee Movie by memory.

"Oh god not again" she groans.

"It's like a 14 hour flight. We can watch all the movies we want. You can choose the next one" I roll my eyes, starting the movie.

We finish the movie and she gets to put one on now.

"Do Revenge." She smiles.


"Because Maya Hawke" she starts the movie.

"Holy shit" I gasp, halfway through the movie.

"I wasn't expecting that"

A/N: I won't spoil it but I highly recommend watching it. Do Revenge on Netflix : )

"Oh my god it's a gay couple. I love that so much" I fangirl over the movie.

"I know right" she stretches.

"My turn" I grab the computer and choose the movie.

"Clueless" I press play.

"THATS HER STEPBROTHER" she gasps at the end of the movie.

"Ex-stepbrother" I point out.

"SO? STILL GROSS" she fake gags.

I sigh and grab a pillow.

"I'm going to sleep. Feel free to use my laptop." I yawn.

She nods and starts another movie. My eyes slowly drift to sleep.

"We're in France!" Sofia yells, waking me up.

"Shhh" Rory shushes her.

I get up and grab my carry on before we exit the plane.

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now