Part 18

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TW: bodyshaming, attempt of starvation

~Addy's POV~

The ride home was pretty uneventful. Ash kept apologizing on our parents behalf, Sofia was mumbling threats towards my parents, Rory reassured Ash that it was ok and was driving, and Alex held my hand the entire time, not saying a word.

"Home sweet home" Rory sighs, pulling into the driveway.

I stayed silent as we all went inside. I went straight to my room and locked the door. I walked over to a mirror and stared at myself.

Maybe I was fat.

I grabbed my phone and looked up quick ways to lose weight. Most of them were diet related.

I heard a knock on my door followed by a soft hello.

"Come in" I mumbled, unlocking the door.

"We made cookies you should try some" Alex smiled.

"Ok" I sighed, following him downstairs.

"Here" Rory hands me a cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.

I look at the cookie and sit down on the couch, taking little nibbles.

"You ok?" Alex asks, sitting next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just not hungry" I give him the cookie and walk back to my room.

I locked my door again and threw a hoodie on. I laid down and hugged my pillow close. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"HELLO??" I heard Sofia yell at my door.

I walk up to the door and open it.


"Breakfast time" she grabbed my hand and led me downstairs.

"I made pancakes" Ash smiled, handing me a plate of food.

"Thanks..." I take my fork and move the food around.

"My love, you have to eat" Alex sighs, sitting next to me.

"I'm not hungry"

"You haven't eaten in 14 hours. You need food" he pushes the plate towards me.

"I'm not hungry. I'll eat something later" I push the plate away.

"Addy. Eat the fucking pancakes" Alex puts the plate in front of me.

I take a bite of the pancake and put it down.

"There. You happy?" I scoff, going to my room.

"Addy" Alex starts, following me.

I shut the door on his face and lock it. I grab a tissue and spit the pancake out, throwing it in the trash.

"Addy" Alex says, opening the door.

"Go away. I'm not hungry" I grumble, laying down in my bed.

"Talk to me. What's wrong." he sits down next to me.


"There is obviously something wrong"

"I'm fat so I'm going on a diet. That's it"

"Addy look at me." Alex says, pulling me up.

"You are not fat. You are perfect and I love you" he stares at me, examining my face for any reaction.

"I love you too" I hug him, tears welling up.

"Let's go get some food in you" he kisses me and we walk downstairs.

I sit down at the table and eat my pancakes, laughing at some stupid joke Alex made. I finish my food and I put the plate in the dishwasher.

"I'm proud of you" Alex smiles, kisses me softly.

"Thank you" I smile back.

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now