Part 21

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TW: mentions of self harm, mentions of body dysmorphia, mentions of suicide

~Addy's POV~

I landed in the airport and pulled out my shattered phone, ordering an Uber. I waited patiently, holding the penguin and my suitcases.

The Uber pulled up and I got in. I didn't ask if it was the correct car . I didn't care if I got kidnapped at this point.

I tell him the address and he starts driving, playing low music. I opened my phone and emailed Lisa I was on my way. The drive was quiet and short. Once we arrived, I payed, thanked the man and left.

I took a deep breath before entering the building. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. She opened it and smiled.

"Come in" she moved out of the way and I stepped inside.

"So. Catch me up on the entire trip" she sits down.

"Alright" I mumble.

I take a deep breath and start the story.

"The first day I got there, my sibling Ash picked Rory, Sofia and I up. We went to my parents house and my mom started her 'you're fat' bullshit"

"And how did that affect you"

"Well I felt pretty shitty but I was able to bounce back" I fidget with my locket.


"So we checked into the air bnb and got some rest. Then I woke up and we drew names for secret santa and went shopping. Then Christmas came around and we exchanged gifts and Alex showed up and surprised me."

"That's sweet" Lisa smiled.

"I guess" I mumble.

"We went to my parents for dinner and my mom bodyshamed me again, so we left. That hurt more than last time though. So in a moment of having a big brain, I didn't eat for like 15 hours." I chuckle.

"You're using humor to cope" Lisa nods.

"Bullshi- actually you're right"

"Who convinced you to eat again?"

"Alex" my heart ached as I said his name.

She nods and motions for me to continue.

"Then everything was pretty normal until New Years Eve. It was midnight and Alex and I had kissed because that's what couples do.  Sofia then mentions the dare, but since Alex didn't know about the dare, we got into a fight"

"Would you say you were more sad or angry?"

"I was angry and extremely drunk and he was sad"


"Yeah. Extremely"

"Alright. Keep going"

"So he left early and I stormed off. I ran into Ash on the stairs and said some.. pretty shitty stuff"

"Like what?"

"I called her a whore and a freak" I mumble.

"You're emotions were high. You weren't thinking straight. Don't stress about it too much"

"So I locked myself in my room all night and the next morning, Sofia and Rory had to leave for personal reasons. So I was alone. That's when it all went downhill. I broke a mirror, purposely cut my hand and passed out."

"What were you thinking when you broke the mirror and cut yourself"

"That I'm a terrible and ugly person and I deserved it" I fiddled with the bandage on my hand.

She nodded sadly and waited for me to continue.

"When I woke up I went to Ash's apartment but we got into a fight. That means I lost four out of four of my close friends." I chuckle.

"I walked down the street and stopped at a bridge. I stood at the edge and... y'know..." I motioned the act of falling with my hand.

She nods and writes something down.

"And now you're here" she looks at me.

"Now I'm here" I sigh.

"Here's what I want you to do. It is currently Saturday. I want you to apologize to Alex by next Saturday. Try to mend some relationships. Sound good?" she smiles.

"Sounds good" I nod.

"I have a question"

"Ask away" I hold my hands up.

"When you look in the mirror, does it often seem... warped? Like your body image."

I think about it for a second.

"Yeah" I say, scared for what she'd say next.

"Why don't we work on your body image next session because it seems like you may have some slight body dysmorphia"


"We're gonna have to wrap up here. I have an availability on Wednesday at four if you'd like to come in"

"I don't have anywhere else to be so sounds good"

She stands up and we say our goodbyes. I walk outside and order another Uber. I sit on a bench and wait.

I get in the car and tell the woman the address. While I'm sitting there, it hits me.

I'd have to face Rory.

I sigh and fidget with my locket once again, good memories flooding back.

"Here we are" the woman smiles.

"Thank you" I pay her and leave.

I walk to my dorm and take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Be right there!" I hear Rory yell.

I hear her walk towards the door and unlock it, twisting the doorknob and opening it.

"Addy... holy fuck what happened to you"

Thank you all for almost 200 reads <3 Make sure to check out my other books if i you want :)

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now