Chapter 5

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I woke up and went downstairs to see Dipper and Mabel in the Mystery Shack, Soos and Wendy sees me, Wendy asked "Annie, how are you feeling?" I looking at her said "I'm doing fine" and Mabel said to me "Grunkle Stan made you breakfast, Annie", I said "No thanks, Mabel. I'm not hungry at the moment" and I went outside to go for a walk in the woods, I noticed there is a deer that has star shapes all over it's body instead of spots, so I wrote it all down in my journal as well and also added a picture in it. Then I turn around and started walking back at the Mystery Shack, I see Stan standing out there waiting for me and said "Annie, we need to talk". I said to him "Not right now, Stan" and Stan asked "What's wrong, Annie?" I said "It's nothing, I'm just tired that's all", he walked up to me and said "Go to your bed and get some rest, okay" and I said "Okay, Stan". I went to bed and trying to get some rest but I open my eyes and see that mysterious man fighting against some kind of monster, the monster sees me and trying to running up to me but the mysterious man killed it before it ready to strike. The mysterious man ran up to me and asked "Are you okay, Annie?" I said "I'm fine, sir", he looked at my face and my wrists said "You sure because you got some cuts and bruises on your arms and face".

I said "Oh, um some kid's dad beaten me while I was chain up to the ceiling but I am fine, sir" and he pull me into a hug said "From now on, I will protect you once I getting out of here, Annie". I hugged him back and I said to myself 'I swear he reminded me of someone but who?' I woke up from my nap and then I heard Mabel and Stan talking in his office, Mabel and Stan made a deal and Stan went up to me grab my hand, said "This time we need to talk, Annie". I sigh and went with him, Stan said "Here's the thing, Mabel is going to be the boss for three day and I'll be gone for three days, the bet was if I win she have to wear a shirt that says 'Loser' for the rest of the summer but she wins I have to sing a song and do a little dance. But what I'm trying to say is that I needed you to look after yourself that includes eating your meals and get plenty of sleep, okay. Can you do this for me, please?" I said "Yes, Stan. Have fun with your three day vacations" and he hugged me and kiss on my head, Stan put his suit case in the car and he said to Mabel "See you in 72 hours and good luck on rising the money, Mabel!" Dipper said "Mabel, you just made a bet against the professional conman" and I said "Dipper has a point, Mabel!" I heard the phone ring and Wendy came out and said "Annie, it's for you", I walked in the Mystery Shack and I answered "Hello?" Stan said "Annie, I almost forgot to tell you" and I said "Okay, Stan. Tell me what you forgot to tell me?" Stan said "Don't overworked yourself, while you're doing the paper works, please" and I said "I won't overwork myself, Stan. Bye", we hang up the phone.

Mabel said "Oh come on, being a better boss than Stan will be a cinch! Profit, here we come!!!" and of course, she dropped the money jar and I said to her "You drop the money jar", Mabel said "We'll get a new one". I was yawning and Dipper asked "Did you at least took a nap?" I said "Yes, I did. Two hours ago, Dipper" and this is the last day, we were working our asses off to getting the Mystery Shack all fix up before Stan coming home today. Wendy handed me a sandwich and can of pitt soda, I said to her "Thanks Wendy, but I'm not hungry. I'll take the soda though" and Dipper said "Grunkle Stan said that you needed to taking care of yourself", Wendy said "Yeah, that includes eating too". I sigh and said "Fine. Two against one, not cool Wendy and Dipper", Dipper and Wendy giving each other a high five. So Dipper did the tour with tourist and they gave him $100 to taking a picture of Soos dressing up as Questiony the Question Mark as a new attractions, we finally fill the jar pass the red line. Mabel said "We only got a dollar left over" and Stan came back said "Time's up!" He put the clock down on the table, Mabel asked "How much did you beat us by?" Stan said "I won $3oo,000! Then I lost it all because I didn't know the answer" and I looking at Mabel said "Which means, Mabel...You won the bet by a dollar!" After Mabel finish up the video of Stan sing a song called "Apology" song on film, Stan looking at the table asked "Who's sandwich is this?" I turned around said "That's my sandwich, Stan" and Stan handed my plate to me said "Here eat your sandwich, Annie". I said "No thank you. I already took a bite out of it, Stan" and Stan grabbed my arm asked "Is there something you like to tell me, Annie?" Dipper said "Oh oh", Soos said "Dudes, this is not good" and Wendy said "Come on, Annie. Just tell him the truth". Mabel went up to me said "You can't keep this from Stan because he loves you like a niece, please tell grunkle Stan and be honest", Stan looking at me asked "What are they talking about, Annie?" I turned around said "Stan, while you were gone three days. I fainted and landed on the ground but I didn't know that I passed out, today Wendy handed me the sandwich and I told her that I wasn't hungry" and Stan said "Annie....". I continued "But Dipper and Wendy were convincing me to eat the sandwich and that when I took one bit out of it", Wendy and Soos were heading home and it's also time for Dipper and Mabel to getting ready for bed as well.

  Stan asked me "What's wrong, Annie?" I looking at him said "There's nothing wrong, Stan" and Stan said "There is something wrong, Annie! You've not been eating for the past three days and now today! You also didn't get enough sleep because that you keep on checking the inventory sheet 24/7, please from now on if you're not feeling good or overworked yourself, please let me know" I looked away but Stan gentle putting his hand on my face to turn my head so I can looking into his eyes said "Promise me, Annie. That you'll tell me what's going on for me, please" and I said to him "If it making you feeling any better, Stan. I promise". We went to bed, Stan said to me "Good night, Annie. Love you, Dipper and Mabel very much" and I said back at him "Good night Stan and we love you too very much as well".

*1,240 words*

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