Chapter 11

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I'm wearing my paranormal outfit with my black fedora hat on my head, I went downstairs and see Stan reading the newspaper, Dipper has his nose in his journal and Mabel just finish the whole bag of cheese boodles. Mabel said to us "I just ate a whole bag of cheese boodles without using my hands!!! Lazy Tuesday, you delivering in a big way!!!" Stan said "Heh, yeah, it's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever-" Then we see Ford comes in with a Cycloptopus wrapped around his arm, Stan, Mabel and Dipper shouted "AHH!" I grab my electric gloves and putting them on to be ready, Ford said to them "Everyone, get down!!!! Don't let it taste human flesh!!!!!" The monster started to crawling on the floor, Dipper asking "WHAT IS IT?!?" Mabel asked "CAN WE KEEP IT?!?" Stan said while hitting it with a newspaper "KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!!" Ford is looking at me and sees me walking very slowly then hit it with my electric gloves and  Cycloptopus was fried, I handed Cycloptopus to Ford, I said to him "Here's your  Cycloptopus, Ford". 

Ford took the octopus like monster from me and said "Thank you Annie. Oh, um, I need you to come with me to the lab, I need to have a word with you. It's very important". I started walking towards Ford, we were heading towards the elevator and Dipper said to Ford "Great uncle Ford!!! You need any help with that?!?!? I've read all about these creatures in your journal and I think I know how to---" and Ford said to him "No!!! I'm sorry, Dipper, on the dark weird road I travel I'm afraid that you cannot follow. Well, call us when the dinner is ready!!!" I looking at Ford and said "So, you want to talk to me about something, Ford", we stopped at his lab and he said to me "I'm very impress with your journal, Annie. I say that I'm very proud of you on working on your journal over thirty years ago. I couldn't put your journal down because it's very interesting" while he was pointing at my trench coat where my journal is inside of my trench coat. I said to him "Thank you, Ford", he walked little bit closer to me and added "You look better with or without your fedora, Annie", I said "Really, Ford?" Ford smile at me and nod his head as well, then we heard a loud crash in the lab and we walked over, it was Dipper!

Dipper got up and he's looking for his 38- sided die, Ford said "Dipper, stop!!!" Dipper said "Great uncle Ford!!! Annie!!!" Ford said to Dipper while walking up to him "What did I say about coming down here? My work is far too dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second in- Wait!!! Is that 38-sided die from Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons?!?" Dipper said to him "Yeah!!! You-you know that game?!?" Ford and Dipper knows the motto by heart, Dipper said to us "I was looking for someone to play with me!!!" Ford looking at me and asked "Do you still know how to play this game, Annie?" I said "Yeah, I do know how to play this game, Ford" and Dipper said "Wait a minute?!? Annie, you know how to play this game?" Ford said "Of course, Annie knows how to play that game because I taught her to play it" and I said "It's true, Dipper". So, I said to Ford and Dipper "Alright. You guys enter the chamber. Princess Unatainabelle beckons you. But WAIT! IT"S A TRAP! An Illusion cast by Probabilitor the Annoying! You guys remember his weakness, right?" Ford, Dipper and I said it at the same time "Prime-statistical anomalies over 37 but not exceeding 51!" Dipper and Ford rolled a 47 and I said to them "Good job you're on the ropes with the Probabilitory the Annoying!" 

Ford, Dipper and I were in the living room still playing the Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons. But Stan grabbed Ford's bag of die and said "Look Poindexter! I'll never ever going to play your smarty pants nerd game!" He threw it and the infinite sided die brought the Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons characters to life, the Probabilitor the Annoying said to us "Mortals of dimension 46'/, kneel before me and...snivel! I am Probabilitory! The greatest wizard in all of mathology! Give or take an error of 0.04" and then Stan asked "Eh, is this normal?" Ford is standing in front of me said "Annie, stay behind me" and I nod my head at him, then Dipper asked "Have you come to send us on the quest of a lifetime because we're the smartest you've ever met?" The Probabilitor the Annoying said to us "You are the smartest players I've ever met! That's why I'm going to eat your brains to gain your intelligence. It's what I do" and the org said "It's his thing". Dipper shouted "WHAT?!?" I said "F-Ford?" Ford said to the Probabilitor the Annoying, he took out his gun "Your math is no match for my gun, you idiot!" Probabilitor the Annoying said "Math Ray!" 

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