Chapter 8

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Dipper, Mabel and I were at the library to do some research about this author's laptop, Dipper said to us "Alright, guys, today is the big day" and Mabel shouted "Big day!" I told Mabel "Mabel, we're at the library. You needed to whisper or talk softly, okay", so Dipper handed me the author's laptop said "Here you go, Annie" and I looked at Dipper with a confused look on my face, Dipper said "You should do this because you found the journal first". I looking at Dipper and Mabel said "Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of The Author and unravel the greatest mystery of Gravity Falls. You guys ready", Dipper said "I'm ready, Annie" and Mabel said to us "Oh, I'm ready baby". So, I flip the laptop to turning on and it works, we looking each other and I said "It works", Dipper and Mabel gave each other a high five. Then suddenly the laptop gave us this loud beeping sound and I said "Unauthorized access denied. Damnit! Of course, it needs a password". Dipper is looking for cryptology book and then suddenly Mabel is looking at a kid doing the puppet show for the little kids. Dipper and I looking at each other said it at the same time "Oh boy", Dipper is flipping through the pages of the cryptology book and said "Annie, I'll help you with the passwords and you starting typing it on the laptop", I looking at him said "It works for me. Let's do this". I looking at the cryptology and said to Dipper "There are 7.2 million 8 letter words!" Dipper said to me "We can do this, Annie. Have faith and believe in us", Dipper read it out to me and I started typing it on the laptop.

I shook my head and said "No, that's not it" and then Dipper looking at Mabel asked "So, how'd it go?" Mabel looking at Dipper asked "How hard do you think it'd be to write and compose a puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?" Dipper is looking at Mabel "Mabel, are you serious?" I said "Mabel, you know that we need your help with this" and Mabel said "I know, Annie. I need to show him that I love doing puppet shows! Dipper, I needed your help, please", I said "Dipper, you can help her with the sock puppet show while I'm working the laptop and trying to crack the passwords. Beside it's only couple of days, I can do this by myself" and he said "Okay, Mabel. I'll help you with your puppet show". Mabel said "Oh thank you, Dipper! I know that he's the one" and I said to her "You always saying that with Norman, Gideon, Mermando and now Gabe". We right back to the Mystery Shack, I went straight to my bedroom to working on the laptop and Dipper, Wendy and Soos are helping out with Mabel with the puppet show. I was sitting on the couch and just watching Mabel, Wendy, Soos and Dipper getting her puppets all set and then I went back on the old laptop. I was heading to the roof top to continuing working on the laptop until it's night time, Dipper asked "How'd it go, so far?" 

I shook my head and said "I've try about 100 cryptic passwords and none of them is the right one, Dipper", then suddenly we heard an evil laugh "Ha ha ha" and Dipper asked me "Annie, what's going on?" Bill showed up in front of us said "Well, well, well. You and the Chosen One are very persistent Pine Tree and you too, Author" and I was looking at him said "Stop calling me that, Cipher!" Bill started to laugh and Dipper is standing behind me because I told that I will protect and our family. I asked him "What do you want, Cipher?" Bill said to us "Let's make a deal, Pine Tree. I'll help you with password, if you're going to helping me out", then I remember what the mysterious man told me....


The mysterious man said "Promise me Annie, that you will never make a deal with HIM"

*Flashback ends*

I went up to Bill and said "I will NEVER make a deal with you, Bill!" Bill said to me "Oh, Author. I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Pine tree" and Dipper said "I'm on Annie's side, Bill!!!" We went downstairs and I made myself some coffee, I was wearing my paranormal outfit with my black fedora and I said "I'm ready, Stan", Stan said to me "Okay, let's get going then" and I said "Okay, Stan". So we went to the theatre to watching the play and Stan has his video camera with him, Stan is looking at me and said to himself 'I got an idea!' He started videoing me and I looking at Stan asked "Why are you videoing me, Stan?" Stan said "Oh, come on, Annie. I just wanted to see if my video camera is still working" and I said "Okay, Stan". Mabel went up to me and said "Annie, I need your help! Oh by the way, I'm so glad that you guys can make it, grunkle Stan". I said to her "Mabel, you needed my help with something" and Mabel handed me the headset and said "I need you to be the director of my play!" Stan is still videoing me and I said "Grenda is still looking for someone to be the reverend for the play", then Dipper (aka Bill) said to Mabel "I'll be the reverend for your play, Mabel" and Mabel said "Oh, thank you so much, Dipper". I handed my black fedora hat to Stan and said "Hold my hat for me, Stan", he said "Sure thing, sweetie". 

I putting on the headset on my head and telling Candy and Grenda what to do until the intermission is coming up, then Mabel said to the audience "10 minutes intermission". I went to the dressing room with Mabel, I said "You made a deal with Bill, didn't you Dipper" and Dipper is floating in his own sock puppet, asked "How did you know, Annie?" I said to him "Because your eyes are not cat like eyes" and Mabel said "I have to be on stage in a minute", I said to Dipper and Mabel "Dipper will do your puppets for you, Mabel. You will be the director of your play, while I go get the journal 3 before Bill getting it" and they agree with my plan. I handed the headset to Mabel and Dipper said to me "Please be careful, Annie", I nod my head at them and I left to go to the fake wedding cake. I went inside the cardboard wedding cake and I found the journal 3, I turn around and I see Bill! I said "Bill! In Dipper's body, Bipper" and Bipper is holding on the rope said to me "Ah, Author. You found the journal, now handed it to me!" I said to him "Hell no, Bill!" 

I pull him in the fake wedding cake and we landed on the floor, Stan still videoing me fighting against Bipper. Bipper punched me in the face, Dipper and Mabel shouted "Annie!" Mabel helped me to defeat Bill and then Dipper went back to his own body until Gabe walked away from Mabel because she destroy her puppets and I said to her "He's not even worth it, Mabel". Stan walked up to me and handed me my black fedora hat put it on my head, he said "Come on, it's time to go home, kids" and he put his arm around my shoulder said to me "I'm proud of you helping with Mabel's play, Annie" and I said "Thanks Stan". I felt light headed and I try walking to my room but I fail and I was out cold, Soos went up to me and ran back to go getting Stan. Stan is looking at Soos and asked "Soos, what's wrong?" Soos said "It's Annie! She's out cold!" Stan ran to me and sees me laying on the ground not moving, he put his hand on top of my forehead and said "She has a fever, Soos get me a wash cloth", he put his arm underneath my head and his other arm underneath my legs carry me to the couch for fresh air that might help me. Soos handed Stan the wet cold wash cloth and put it on my forehead, he said to himself 'Annie, please be okay'. 

Dipper is looking at me and went to Mabel said "Annie is sleeping, but she is still look weak", Mabel said "Annie did fighting against Bill on the cat walk and then landed on the hard floor out of the fake wedding cake, Dipper" and Soos said to Dipper and Mabel "Dudes, Annie will be okay because she is strong just like Stan". Mabel said "Let's go see grunkle Stan. See how he's doing", Dipper and Soos agree and went to see him. They see Stan sitting on the couch and fell asleep with my head on his shoulder, Mabel took a picture of me and Stan and then Dipper grab a blanket pull over to me and Stan.

*1,567 words*

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