Chapter 10

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Stan went downstairs to the basement to checking up on me and also refresh the wet wash cloth, he walked up to me and see me very pale. Stan said to himself 'This is not good!' While he went back upstairs to playing with Dipper and Mabel outside, I was in my dreamscape see the elderly man walking up to me said "Annie, you looked terrible!" I was going to say something but I landed in his arms and he shouted my name "Annie! Wake up!" I looked up at him said in my weak voice "" and he's looking at me said "Don't worry Annie, I'm coming soon and I will going to take care of you!" and he asked "When is the last time you slept?" I looked up at him and said "I...don't...know", he said to me "Just hang in there, Annie! Your mentor is here with you!" So back at the Mystery Shack, Stan, Dipper and Mabel are playing some dangerous fireworks outside, then Dipper and Mabel were playing water balloon fight against each other. I woke up barely, I went to see what's on the other side of the door and I opened the door said to myself 'Stan, what have gotten you into this?!?!' I was for a place to lay down on a cool floor and I found some a rope tie around my waist but I black out.

Suddenly, Agent Powers and Agent Trigger had finally arresting Stan for stealing the dangerous waste from the Government Waste Facility. So three hours later, Dipper, Soos and Mabel went downstairs to the basement and they see a lab. Then Dipper noticed that there are two more journals and he said to Soos and Mabel "Grunkle Stan has the other two journals and he didn't tell me or Annie about it!" I'm did laying down on the cool floor and the elderly man said to me in my dreamscape "Annie, just hang in there little bit more!" The elderly man noticed that I'm trying to getting up but I can't, he said to me "You're weak, Annie. I'm going to take care of you, Annie. I promise" and he was just rubbing my head said to himself 'Because I love you'.  Dipper open the door and sees me laying on the floor. Soos, Dipper and Mabel shouted my name "ANNIE!" Soos went up to me said to Dipper and Mabel "Dudes, she so weak!" Mabel said to herself 'Poor Annie' and then they found the shut down button, Dipper said "That's it! The shutdown button! This all!" Dipper was about to slam the shutdown button until Stan shouted "DON'T PRESS THAT BUTTON!" Dipper, Soos and Mabel turned their heads looking at him, Stan looking at me and asked "How's she doing Soos?" Soos said to Stan with a sad look on his face said "She's weak, Mr. Pines" and Stan said to himself 'Annie...'. Stan said to Dipper "Dipper, just back away. Please don't press that shutdown button, you gotta trust me" and Dipper looking at him said "And I should trust you why?! After you stole the radioactive waste? After you lied to us all summer?! I don't even know who are you! And what's worse is that Annie is very weak and we don't even know what's wrong with her! I mean, do you even care about her at all, grunkle Stan!" Stan said to him "Of course I care about Annie! She's part of the family, I've been protecting her over 30 years! Anyway, look I know this seem all nuts, but I needed that portal to stay opened and you just let me try to explain---", Stan heard the beeping sound on his watch and said to Dipper, Mabel and Soos "Uh-oh, oh no! Brace yourselves!" They all floated up in the air towards the portal and the machine said "T-minus thirty-five seconds". Stan is spinning around shouting "Ahhh!" Dipper is holding on the wooden board and he heard Mabel screaming at Dipper "Dipper!" Dipper said to her "Mabel! Shut it down!" The machine said "T-minus twenty seconds", Stan said to Mabel said "I wanted to say that you're going to hear some bad things about me and some of them are true, but you gotta believe me everything I've worked for because I did this for the family and I care about this family!" Mabel is thinking about it and Stan said "Look into my eyes, Mabel! You really think I'm a bad guy?" 

The machine is counting down "Ten. Nine." and Mabel said to Stan "Grunkle Stan...", the machine continued counting down "Six. Five." Mabel let go of the stand "I trust you.." and Dipper said "Mabel, ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE'RE ALL GONNA--" Then the machine said "ONE!" Everything went white and everyone screaming at the same time "AHHH!" Then the elderly man said to himself 'I'm on my way now' and he went into the portal. Dipper, Soos, Mabel and Stan landing on the floor hard, Dipper and everyone is standing up. The elderly man came out of the portal and picking up the journal and putting it inside of his black trench coat, he turned around sees me on the floor said to himself 'Annie!' Dipper asked Stan when the elderly man is standing right next to me "Who is that?" Stan is rubbing his head and looking up said "The Author of the journals....." The elderly man took off his googles and revealing himself but he looks exactly like Stan! Stan said "My brother", Mabel said "Is this the part where one of us faints?"  Soos said "Oh oh, I'm way ahead of you" and he fainted, he turned around and kneeling down to untying the rope around my waist and lifted my head whisper to me "Come on, Annie. Please wake up, I'm here". I slowly opening my eyes looking up and seeing his face said "You came like you promised" and he smile at me and gave me a hug said "I did said that I will protect you and I'm keeping my word, Annie". I just putting my head on his chest and just closing my eyes just for a moment, he whispered to me "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere". 

The mysterious man lifted me up and carrying me to the bench putting me down, he handed me the bottle of water said "Relax, okay". I nodded my head and start drinking some water, he turned around facing towards Stan and he is beyond pissed off at Stan. Stan said "Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here! Brother!" He punched Stan in the face and Stan said "Oh! Ow! What the heck was that for?" The elderly man said to Stan "This was an insanely risky move: Restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings!" Stan said to him "Warnings, schmarnings. How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi side burn dimension?" I try to getting up but he putting his hand on my shoulder said "Please don't get up, you're still weak and you looked very tired as well" and I sat back down, he looking straight at Stan's face said "Thank you? You think that I'm going to say thank you for what you DID THIRTY YEARS AGO?!" Stan is trying to punch his brother in the face but he dodge it and grab Stan's arm behind his back, Stan said to him "Don't expect me to go easy on you, just because you'". Stan got up and turn around to see how I'm doing but the elderly man is standing between me and Stan, he said to Stan "Don't go near her, Stanley!" The mysterious man is looking up at Mabel said to him "Hey. Hi. Mabel here. Quick question here. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!" He looked at Stan and said "Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here. And some sort of large, hairless gopher?" Stan said to him "They're your family, Poindexter. Shermy's grandkids" and he said "I have niece and nephew", he went up to Mabel and said "Greetings. Do kids still say greetings? I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time". 

Mabel shook his hand and said "Whoa, six-finger hand shake?!? It's a full fingered friendlier than normal!!!" The mysterious man said "I like this kid! She's weird!" Dipper said "I-...I can't believe it!!! You're the author of the journals!!!" The mysterious man said "You read my journals?" Dipper started explaining that him and me been reading his journals, then we asked Stan what's going on between him and his brother and so, he told his side of the story. Ford explain his side of the story, but then he kneel down and looking at me asked "How far can you remember, Annie?" I said "I've been with my mentor since I was 8 years old and he introduce me to his" and I was looking at Stan asked "Stan, what's going on?" Dipper said to Stan "So all this time, you were trying to save your brother this whole time. I'm so sorry grunkle Stan" but then Agent Powers said "I want Stan AND Annie bring them to me!" Ford looked at me said "He's also aftering you, Annie" and I said "Yes, but he won't leaving me alone!" Ford gave me a hug and said to me "You'll be okay Annie since I'm here now" and then he erase the whole government's minds, Agent Powers handed Ford the drive and they left never coming back.

Stan said to Dipper and Mabel "Alright kids, it's time to hit the hay" but Dipper was about to say something and Stan pushed Dipper and Mabel said "I said hit...the...hay!" Stan is looking at me and looking back at Ford said "Annie, Poindexter wanted to tell you something", Ford said "Come on, Annie. Stan and I got something to tell you". We went to the kitchen and sitting down, I said "Okay, one of you start talking", Stan said "Annie, meet your mentor, Stanford Pines" and Ford said "Please call me Ford". I said to them "I don't understand. Ford is my mentor thirty years ago" and then my pennant starting to glow along with Ford's pennant as well, I shouted at him "Ford, you're my mentor over thirty years ago!" Ford said "Yes, Annie. I was the one who train you how to fight against monsters and..." and I finish his sentenced "Told me not to make any deals with the demon!" Ford looking down and Stan said "Annie, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that he's your mentor..." and I looked at him said "That's why you've been giving me those weird looks on your face every time I'm wearing my paranormal outfit!" Stan just nod his head at me, I went inside of my trench coat and handed my journal to Ford. Ford looked confused and asked "What's this, Annie?" 

I said to him "Remember, Ford. Once you got out of that portal, you wanted to look at my journal" and Ford lifted my journal up to his face, he was about to say something but I already left heading towards my bedroom and sleep. Ford said to himself 'Annie..' and Stan said to him "You love her, don't you Poindexter", he said "Yes, Stan. I love her so much" and he went downstairs to my bedroom, he sees me asleep and he's sitting down on the chair start reading my journal. Ford is looking at me and smile said to himself 'I'm so proud of you, Annie', he close my journal and putting it back inside of my trench coat, he's laying down next to me and whispered "I promised that I will ALWAYS going to protect you, my dear. You have my word", then he fell asleep.

*2,001 words*

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