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I turned off the camera and heard a knock at the front door. I start heading down the stairs. My brother got there before me, he turned around and had a baby in his hands. He handed me a note that said

"I don't want this baby; take care of it for me. You can name it too." from- its mom

"Umm what do we do with this grayson. Keep it?" "uhh I think so maybe we should wait until auntie mae gets home from her doctor's appointment." "Yeah you're right, we'll wait for her then we will decide what to do with it." "I know i'm right you don't have to tell me" "Grayson not now, I swear if one more word comes out of your mouth i'm gonna hit you." He was silent after that, a few hours later and auntie mae came home from her doctor's appointment. "Hey guys im home" "Auntie mae we have a problem what do we do with this baby!" Of course Grayson had to yell. "what bab- where did you find that baby girl?" "she was dropped off on our doorstep with this note." I explained

"Ummm ok so the mom didn't want this beautiful baby girl and just dropped her off on our doorstep?" "Pretty much" " So what are we gonna do?" " We're gonna name her and keep her." "Yay!!" "Grayson, you're oddly happy about that." "yeah because I don't want her to end up in the wrong hands." " Oh that's very sweet of you" "yeah im like that sometimes but you're mean to me so i'm not nice to you." " So what are we gonna name her?" " Let's name her Bailey Camreigh Lancaster" "That's a good name" "So we all agree on her name" " Yes auntie mae we agree with the name you picked out for her."

*recording* " So I figured out who was at the party 3 years ago. I was a freshman so all the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders of that year would have been at that party. Partying is illegal so everyone went even if they didnt like them. I'll be back when I actually figure out who was all there and I get their email addresses." *recording ends* It's gonna take me forever to find out who exactly was there. There were probably over 100 people there at the time. O wait I have a yearbook from that time. It's gonna take me a while to find out if they still live in the town.

*recording* So I figured out who was all there because I found my yearbook of that year and I was doing some research on all of them. I found that most of them still live in this tiny ass town. I have emailed the ones outside of town asking them about the party 3 years ago and I also email the people in town because I'm one person so I won't be able to talk to all these people throughout the day. *recording ends*

Oh I have an email, I'll read it after lunch....


Hi, I've lived near Tessa since she was little and on that night I looked through my window and saw her and her boyfriend talking in the backyard. They weren't really arguing. He went back inside and she climbed through the window, I guess it went up to her bedroom. To be honest I don't really know but after she closed the window it looked like she was fighting someone off.

Wow, did Cassandra lie to me or did Cassandra kill Tessa. I know we were annoying but even if she won't admit it she loved Tessa she cried the most when she found out she was missing. But it could have just been an act. I don't know, I'll have to question her again.

*recording* It's currently December 23 9:30 PM. I've had them all reply back saying that they were too drunk to remember what happened that night. So in the end it was a waste of time to find them and email them. I did get an anonymous email telling me what they saw that night because they were in their house and being nosey. *recording ends*

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