black hole

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Black hole è una mia Fanfiction sempre su Niall, se ne avete piacere andate a leggerla, questo è il nono capitolo che inizierà la storia tra Niall e Malia, gli altri capitoli erano solo un anticipazione ma ora inizia la vera storia, fatemi sapere se vi piacerebbe che la pubblichi anche in italiano

Chapter nine- red roses

You have the power to get up and be that nice person you wanted to meet when you were a kid, you can be nice to the people who hurt you, you want to know why? Because life is too unpredictable to live thinking about the past times, stop thinking about who hurt you years ago, start to think about who you love now.
Focus on today every day, stop thinking about yesterday today. And that's what Niall was doing in his days, he was trying to move on, he was trying to live in peace.
Love doesn't have explanation, it just happens, like a poison take control of your heartbeat and flows in your blood.
Love make you see the world in other ways, you know that tree in front of your house? When you are out of love you don't see the flowers, you don't You smell those old roses in the courtyard, you don't look at the pretty clouds in the blu sky, but when you are in love, everything just explodes with color.
Malia never watched those old red roses, but now she was inhaling their perfume while the wind spread it around the world, and Niall he just watched her, thinking how beautiful she was, he never thought that love was in is life, but in the moment he first saw Malia, he knew she was the love he wanted.
But Malia had only one thing in her head, she was writing in her book, that was the only thing she could do, to make the pain go away
I'm sorry that I let them hurt you, I should have been there for you, but I couldn't, I was you, and now you are dead, nothing is left of you, you were just a little kid, you just wanted love.
I'm sorry I couldn't be strong, I'll keep the memories of you, when you were smiling, I hope one day I'll smile like I used to when I was you, I wish I could have been more strong, maybe you would be alive and I won't be here, but I am, and you are gone, I'm sorry baby, I should have protect you, you were just a kid but nowadays I am what the rest of you become, there's a part of me that will always be you, I'll keep a part of you alive.
Malia was sorry that the 12years old her had to die for 16teen Malia to be alive, she was sorry because she will never be enough brave to put everything pass her, she can't pretend that nothing append, she will never forget the pain in her heart.
And Niall, he felt like he ad someone to save, but he didn't knew who that person was.
He sat down in his sofa, a guitar in his hands, and his voice filling the dark night, he was waiting his dad to come home, he waited, but when the Sunrise hit his skin he knew something was missing, and that something was is father.
He called his father phone but nobody answered, he sat in the silence, till one call.
"I'm sorry little boy but your father didn't make it".
Niall never felt more alone, and if he was the one who needed to save someone, now he was the one who needed to be saved.
Someone knocks on his door but he doesn't have the strength to stand up and open it
"Niall, I heard about your father, I'm sorry darling" lárlíne says but Niall didn't reply
He wasn't strong enough, but someone else was.
"Niall, if you wanna talk you can open the door, and we can talk, my parents are gone, I'm alone" Malia's voice was the only thing Niall wanted to hear, so he stood up and he opened the door.
When Malia saw him she hugged him, his eyes were red, even if he hated his father he still felt like shit.
"I'm sorry" Malia says
"I know we don't know each other very well but If you need something I'll be happy to help" she says without breaking the hug.
He didn't say anything, he just moved, his lips were feeling cold and hurt, he just wanted love, so he kissed her, and her hot lips felt so right with his cold one's.
After the kiss no words from the two, just another hug, while the light of the sun hit them.
They're eyes glued on each other's, they were alone together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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