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Dream Aura,
10:43 pm

As the sun rose at the crack of dawn, I found myself awakening to the absence of melodious bird songs. Rising from my slumber, I gently brushed aside my messy locks, casting my gaze upon the ethereal girl peacefully sleeping beside me and hugging a pillow in her embrace.

I don't remember how I slept in her room last night. I was crying over my parents and she consoled me and encouraged me saying I've to stay strong if I want to make my parents proud.

I got attached to her within a few hours. She's so welcoming and understanding. Her compassionate nature, and words of encouragement, urged me to find my strength.

I covered her with the duvet and left her room. I took a bath and wore one of my ankle-length light pink dresses. Showering was also a hard task. There were no buckets or pots in the bathroom, taps were crazy. It took me minutes to understand how they work. Those modern tabs called me stupid in six languages.

My stomach emitted a low growl, a reminder of my neglected appetite, I made my way towards the kitchen with hopes of preparing a light breakfast. To my astonishment, the refrigerator and shelves stood barren, devoid of any sustenance.

It dawned upon me that Lia, in her predilection for convenience, likely procured all provisions from external sources.

Returning to her room, I beheld her in the same supine position as before, seemingly impervious to the passage of time.

Patience waned as I awaited her awakening for what seemed an eternity, yet she didn't even stir.

"Lia?" I called out softly, my voice was a mere whisper. The first attempt proved a failure, as she remained unresponsive.

"Lia," I persisted and gently shook her shoulder in an attempt to wake her.

"Hmmm?" she groaned, her head slightly raised. She slowly opened one of her eyes, sweeping her messy hair from her angelic face using her delicate fingers. "Why are you awake at such an early hour?" She asked casting a glance at the timepiece which said it was already seven thirty.


"I'm hungry. There's nothing to eat. What do I do? Is there any grocery store?" I asked only for her to drop her head back on the pillow. It bounced and she snoored*. " Lia?" I called but she seemed to drowse again so I decided to find a way to cure this hunger myself.

I grabbed my purse and descended the staircase. There I found a different watchman in his post. Methinks their shift changes based on day and night. "Greetings," I smiled cheerfully.

" Do you know any grocery store around?" I asked.

" Yes ma'am. Three minutes of straight walk after crossing the highway." He directed.

Thanking him I embarked upon my chosen path.

I'm not good with directions. I get lost with ease, yet I took a risk.

My mobile beeped. I pulled it out from my purse to see my Dad's name on the screen. I was about to receive the call but suddenly I felt myself getting yanked backward by the hood of my cloak. My mobile slipped from my grasp, and I gasped as a truck passed an inch distance from me followed by many more vehicles in a heartbeat.

One more step and I would be dead by now.

I turned to see my savior. It was Lia. "Are you crazy?" She breathed out.

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