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Dream Aura,
08: 34 am

A month passed to the night I went back to my apartment after witnessing the murder, I got a fever. My condition was extremely bad for the next two weeks. I used to get panicked attacks and I used to wake up screaming, soaked in my sweat but Lia never left my side. She supported me in everything. Even used to answer my phone calls when my parents used to call me and I wasn't in the condition to do so.

She took me to the coaching classes. I joined and now everything is going great.

If Lia wouldn't here I'd have run back to my parents and would never have come to this city again in my life.

But luckily she handled everything well.

I'm still not over what I witnessed but I'm trying to move on because the way Lia has explained to me about Kings there's nothing I can do for that boy's justice.

I've to focus on my career. So during the night time, I practice new dance moves so I can improve and teach my little students. They are the cutest creatures on earth.

I realised I overwatered the plant while thinking. I immediately stopped watering it and put the water jar aside.

I turned my head to see a couple of light trucks enter our colony. I stood up with the help of balcony grills not moving my eyes from those pickup trucks.

Its door opened along with my mouth as they started to pull out items of luggage. " Someone's shifting," I exclaimed and ran inside to tell Lia who was sitting on my bed with her laptop on her lap. The mattress boused when I jumped in front of her with a big smile but she only hmmmed in response.

My eyes were searching for any reaction on her face but there were none. My smile slowly dropped when I realized that it was not something to get thrilled about. It's not like we interact with neighbors here. It's not my village where people gather and spend time with each other.

" Could you please make a cup of coffee for me?" Lia asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her to see her grabbing her head and moving it up while closing her eyes tightly. " My head feels like it'll burst." She groaned lowly.

I took her laptop and closed that. She opened her eyes to see my angry expression. " You are always on your laptop." I lectured her. " I'll make coffee and we both gonna sit on our balcony. Without your laptop." I added using my unusually strict tone.

" Alright, Mom." She nodded trying to smile brightly but her eyes said how tired she was.

She needs hangover soup, to be honest.

She was out for the entire night and came in the morning smelling like alcohol.

It was my first time spending the entire night alone.

I'm terrified of loneliness the reason I turn on the music and practice dance moves for hours last night.

A shadow of a man gave me some strength. It made me feel that wasn't alone.

Shrugging everything I went to the kitchen and made two mugs of coffee. I grabbed a painkiller with a glass of water for her as well. She was now on the balcony. Her eyes were fixed on a tall person standing in a white shirt.

I looked down to see him facing us. I couldn't conclude if he was looking at me or the balcony under me.

" I'm leaving, will be back by evening." I turned to see Lia hurriedly grabbing her laptop and getting back inside.

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