"Silent Day"|Chpt. 2

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 I opened my door, the house a mess. Blankets lazily placed wherever, the couch tore up how it usually was with weak, ragged pillows living on their last limbs. The TV playing Ghost In A Shell, some weird anime about some cybercreature dealing with a attack, a sole survivor, whatever it was, it was obviously Cross had been watching it before he left. Meaning he left my side before I eevn got up, how rude. I thought. I wasnt exactly happily to begin with, my nightmares always threw off my mood. Birds chirp outside my open windows, You could hear Kevin dustbathing in his hay in the backyard outside the kitchen window. I went to the kitchen, first place to go. I hold onto the half-wall, my chest giving an aching pain. Am I sick? Was it a flu? No wonder Cross never awoke me. I wasnt doing my best.

 I open the creaking cabinet, the sink full of mostly cups, bowls and plates. The pans and whatnot barely being touched from the constant stream of subway Error always managed to buy. I snag a old, glass cup from the top cabinet, standing on my tippy toes to reach it. I wasnt allowed to climb on the counter according to Error, it could ‘break his coffee maker’. I sigh and made sure the glass was clean, thinking on how someone needed to do these damn dishes. The place was disgusting, it could make everyone in a terrible mood. I sigh and fill my glass with some tap water from the sink, going to the freezer and popping icecubes from the tray. The house wasnt much, old and rusted.

But it was still a living space.

 No matter, Nightmare had a massive headache and tossed some pills into his mouth, a headache relief kind. Only two, before downing the entire glass of water in his hand. He coughed a bit, the water was as usual, was not as clean as most waters. 

 Yawning, Nightmare shook the knob of the backyard door, turning the knob and opening the door, then opening the glass door after it. 

 A loud squawk came from the backyard,

Kevin chirped and arose from his haybed and waddled his way over to Nightmare. Nightmare laughed a bit, “whats up chicken boyy!” Nightmare asked playfully, Kevin chirped happily and ran around in a circle before leading Nightmare off to his food trough.

 It was no surprise the chicken wanted food, he was always hungry at some point. He is a living thing afterall. Nightmare shuffled to the side, grabbing this big bag of chicken feed and lifting it up, it being quite heavy for his skinny arms. However, from how many times he has had to run, he could do this. He always could.

 Placing the feed down near the plastic trough, he sighed. He tipped the bag over slowly, spilling the seeds into the rectangler box. Kevin chirped loudly and ran up to the feeding trough, hopping forward and sticking his entire head into it. Flapping his wings excitedly

Nightmare sat the bag down and wiped his hand across his forehead, the day wasnt that hot, or cold. It was quite a strange mix of the two… for once. Sighing softly, Nightmare totally fell on his ass NOT purposely, patting kevins feathered back. Kevin squawked, unhappy he was being bothered whilst eating. Nightmare chuckled lightly, “sorry kev-” he smiled a bit and quit touching the bird.

 Nightmare looked at the glimmering, shiny sky. It was a surprise his friends werent back, as mentioned before. They probably got caught up in some Justice Reigns business and cant lead them back home.

 Nightmare then glanced around his surroundings, it was still. Quiet. Birds chirping, from wrens to bluejays, the woodpeckers pecking away trees. It was quite boring, it made him kinda feel alone. Isolated. It wasn’t often he was alone without his friends.

 Nightmare started to think back to his Nightmare, the constant tries of Dream continuing to try and stab him in the heart, has resulted into some terrible dreams. Lucid dreams revolving in the back of his mind. Repeating the same scenes, different areas. Forests, town squares, his own home. What more could happen to him? The loss of sleep was soon gonna drain him where he cant run, nor fight anymore.

 What could possibly happen to him if he died? The balance, it could be thrown off. Everything would end terribly, why could Dream notice this?

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