"Living Interaction"|Chpt. 4

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A hooded human entered the room, oh thank dreams internet history(n-not that i’ve seen it or anything…), it had just been Error. Error pushed the door open with little effort as he intently looked around, he had been looking for Nightmare. When catching a sight of him, he approached slowly. “Hey night,” Error greeted, holding a walmart grocery bag in hand. With a couple of others, one on his shoulder and one hooped inbetween the two pieces of his arm, in the middle of the elbow. His eyes glimmering in worry, the shiny part of his eye showing off his stress. “Are you doing any better? You were coughing bunches yesterday during our talk about how to get Cross more productive.”

 Nightmare blinked, oh! Now he remembered! The day before, he and Error sat down at the small table, Errors coffee in hand as they spoke some nonsense about maybe teaching Cross to take better care of his hygiene or even doing the littlest tasks like walking Kevin.

 Nightmare, after reminiscing just replied with a “Yeah, haha, i’m okay. Just tired from the loss of sleep.” Nightmare gave a half-bitten, fake, stone-cold laughter. Error obviously cocked a brow at the so obvious faked laughter but never pushed the other further, “Cross is taking his sweet time. Do you wanna talk a bit while I put things away?” Error asked calmly, adjusting the bags he was holding.His gloves a little torn from his trip to the store, it was likely Cross started a fight of some sort.”Yeah sure, mind if I lend you a small hand?” NIghtmare gave a calm, happy smile. His coldness disappearing in an instant, Error gave a hesitant, small smile. “Of course nightmare. Come on.”

 Error again, adjusted the bags and led Nightmare off to the kitchen. Nightmare stretched his body up, and out. Getting ready for some ‘put away groceries’ kinda work. Maybe play a few tunes. Nightmare dusted off his pants and did his foxy ‘gay’ walk as Blue called it, to the kitchen. Nightmare grabbed onto the doorframe and gave a harsh, deep cough which alerted Error.

 Error turned as his eyes grew big, “Nightmare… perhaps you need to sit down, take a break?” The boy said softer. “I’ll beeee fineeee E! I’m totally cool!” Nightmare grew a proud smile. “Yeah… sure you’ll be…” Error muttered, a sigh silently exiting while he hid it under his cold breath

 Eror gave small shivers, the tone in the house was sorrowful and cold. “Night, can you turn the heat on?” Error slowly slipped the bags onto the marble counters. “On it!” Nightmare stood straight, preparing himself correctly like he was in the army and rushing down the hall to the thermosta, hanging on the upstairs wall where Crosses and Errors room sat near eachother. He clicked it obver to ‘heat’ and let it pop on itself, rushing back downstairs before just deciding to hop over the railing.

 Nightmare actually landed on his own two feet, a ‘tap!’ could be heard once he hit the hard-wood flooring before he rushed off to bother Error, sliding his way into the doorway, and into the wall on accident. Knocking a coat off the hanger. Error sighed softly, and facepalmed. By now Error was used to this, so it was never a surprise to him, That and he dealt with Inks drama more so then often.

 Nightmare grunted and got up out of the spot, disappointed in himself for tearing down his raincoat. He pulled the coat off himself and placed it upon the rack, making sure it was secure on the clipping. He then wandered back over to Error, who was taking the milk out of the double bag to keep it nice ‘n secure into place. Error opened the small fridge and stuff the 2% milk into the fridge, sighing softly. “I’ve almost got everything up and out while you crashed into the damn wall, mind helping now?” Error rolled his eyes off to the side, trying to be kinda playful and charming at the same time. “Yeah yeah, i’m coming glasses” Nightmare said jokingly, a picked-up name from Inks previous insults to Error, which now Nightmare uses in a pure playful manner. “Okay grape, thank you” Error grew a happy smile.

 Error pulled the butter up and out of the bag and set it in the top, door of the fridge under a small cylinder capsule carefully placed there. Nightmare took out some oreos and set it up in cabinets, standing right at the tips of his toes. “So~ How’d it go with Cross?” Nightmare asked calmly, “well, not well. He fought some random kid over who’d win a fight. Lady Gaga or Olivia Rodrigo.” Error responded blankly, “Lady gaga obviously.” Nightmare laughed a bit, but not as happy as usual. “Why was Olivia Rodrigo tosses into the mix?”, Error stared blankly at Nightmare. “Kids these days are into anything, really.” Nightmare nodded in agreement, slightly smacking his lips together in disappointment. “Yeah. . . Thats true, but Olivia Rodrigo is just a tiktok artist gone viral. Thats all.” Nightmare put away some other needed groceries before adding to his sentence, “n-not that thats bad or anything- honest!” Error only let out a shy chuckle, “I already knew that night.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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