"Mid-Day Mayhem"|Chpt. 3

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 Nightmare again, yawned. Bored. He slowly got up, filled Kevins water trough with the hose before turning the handle down on the glass door, pulling it open. It was about 1:34 pm, checking upon the clock on the right, above the couch. Nightmare rubbed his eyes, bags under his eyes drooping in a sorrowful way. He stretched out his arms upward, I go ahead and grab a mountain dew out of the fridge, popping the tab open by pushing it own. Nightmare brought the drink up to his lips slowly, taking a small, careful sip before getting graham crackers out of the ripped up, scratched pantry. The creaking doors to it almost falling off his hinges, the wood worn down and unpolished. ‘If only Cross helped around the house, it wouldnt be in such a terrible state.’ Nightmare cursed at himself for having Cross not do anything but laze around like a old dad, sitting on a recliner, drinking not even cold beers.

 Then, Night had a hint of realization, No wonder his brother complained so much about him, and cross. Not much about Error. Cross was unclean, filthy. Nightmare was loud, obnoxious. Chaotic. Very unlikeable, to him, he started to question if he friends even gave two shits about him, or his mental health. Questionably overthinking about some stupid matter, Nightmare put a hand up to his head. The headache returned, how nice. The medicine hadnt wore off, and his head was pounding, If he were to take the medicine again, it couldve ended badly in a way. Nightmare lets out a sad sigh, narrowing his eyes over to the TV that was playing sound at like forty five percent, like usual. Cross always sat so close and said ‘he couldn’t hear it,’ which is an obvious lie, you can hear the damn thing from Errors room. 


  Nightmare rolled his eyes at the series playing and made his way to the unkept area, cans and whatnot spreading across the worn-down coffee table, Crosses bisexual flag out of his room and put carefully across the back of the couch. Nightmare grumbled in distaste, a cold, agitated look upon his face. His purple eyes narrowed as he snatched the remote up, clicking the escape button specifically made for remotes, and played something he wanted to watch. It wasnt often he got a chance to watch the TV for himself. He sat his ass down on the couch, the couch creaking beneath him, aswell as the ripped couch being all worn-out. Nightmare searched through what to watch, until he found something he really wanted to watch. A series on Netflix called, ‘I’m not okay with this’. Ever since he accidentally deleted his netflix profile, he couldn’t recall the name. 

 Nightmares nerves relaxed, his tensed shoulders relaxing. Staring and watching his own show gave him some comfort, since oftenly more than not, he wandered off to climb trees or scope out areas. Perhaps make a picnic or two, or use his violin.

 He watched his show four almost two hours and a half, so by now it was 4:00 something, then he finished his entire show. He got up, shut off the TV and went to search on what to do.

 There was plenty of options.

 Thats when I heard the door rattle, shake, and open. Someone was home, if it was Error it would be find but what if it was someone that shouldn’t be here. I prepared a pan to get ready to smack whoever it was.


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