School project

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Evelyn's pov
It is now Monday and my third week of school. I'm still getting to used to being around so many people, but I have Sky and that really helps. We have gotten really close, we still eat lunch in the library and now I'm actually eating some of my lunch. School is hard, there are still a lot of things I don't understand like math and Spanish. I actually don't think I ever will understand that, but the other subjects are going great. My therapist say that I'm doing so well that I don't need to come in anymore and I'm happy about that, but I'm also scared, it feels like I have to handle things on my own now or I have Maya and Carina. They are really nice, but I'm still scared about opening up to them, I don't know why. I mean they are nice and always comfort me when I have a nightmare or only when I really bad ones and I wake up screaming in the middle of the night. There are times where I have bad ones, but if they didn't hear me I don't wake them. I don't want to be a burden or anything, sir always said that I asked for to much or that I complained and asked to many questions. I don't get why he didn't just let me go if he thought I was such a burden. Tonight was one of the nights where I had a nightmare, but if didn't wake Maya and Carina. It was 4 am so I didn't bother going back to sleep. I'm just sitting in my bed silently crying, I'm so tired of crying it make my head hurt, but I just can't stop. The nightmare was about sir and one of the times he came down to room and raped me, so I can't get the feeling of him away. And every time I cry I can hear his voice saying "don't be a baby", "girls like you don't cry" or "if you keep crying I will knock you out". All I wanted now was Maya or Carina, they always calmed me down after a nightmare and stayed with me until I fell asleep. Sometimes I feel like I'm to old to need someone with me until I fall asleep, but I don't care right now I just want Maya or Carina to lay down with me so I can feel safe. I try to fall asleep for maybe half an hour, but I couldn't close my eyes because I needed to watch the door. I decided to watch tik tok instead, at least the would take my mind of all the scary stuff. Suddenly it was 6:30 am and it was time for me to get up. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair. Then I pick out my outfit for today before I went down to get breakfast.
Maya had 24 hours sift so she would be back at 8 and then have the day of. So It was only me and Carina home.
" buongiorno bambina, did you sleep well" Carina asked as she handed me a plate with French toast. Carina's French toast is the best thing ever, it also reminds me of my mom, but in a good way.
"Yes" I lied. I ate my breakfast, got my bag and walked to the car. I still don't like cars, but I can handle it.
" what classes do you have today?" Carina ask's while we drive to the school.
" math, science and English I think"
" I loved math when I was in school"
" I like it, but it hard"
"You're smart, you will get it and I can help you with your homework"
We arrive at school and I see Sky sitting on a bench outside of school looking at her phone.
" bye, have a goo day at school bambina" Carina say
"Bye Carina" I say and get out of the car and walk up to Sky.
"Hey Sky"
"Hey Evie, you good you look tired" Sky ask, I know we have only known each other for some weeks, but I love how she cares and I feel like I can trust her.
"Yeah I'm good just woke up a little early" I say
"How early?"
"Like 4am"
"4 AM that's like the middle of the night" she say, I know it's early, but not that early.
"4 am is not the middle of the night" I say and laugh a little.
"Ok maybe not on school nights, but on the weekends 4 am is the middle of the night"
"When do you wake up at the weekends" I ask
"Like 11 am" ok she is really not a morning person, I don't like mornings either, but I don't like to sleep all day. We walk into the classroom the first class we have science. I like science and plus we are learning about the body and what happens when you go through pregnancy and all of that. It is so cool to learn about the fetal development. We sit down in class and the teacher start the lesson. At the end of the class the teacher said that we have to write I text about one of the topics we have learned. We get to work in pairs so of course me and Sky are working together.
Our next class was English and after that it was time for lunch. We made our way to the library.
"So what topic are we picking for the text" Sky ask and take a bite of her food.
" I don't know fetal development sounded cool, but we can pick something else if you want" I say
" no we can take fetal development plus's if we go to your house and work on it maybe Carina can help us, she was an OB right" Sky say, I didn't think about that we would have to work outside of school and she would have to come to the house I'm living in. She called it my home, but it's still not my home. Maybe I should try and see it as my home, I mean they haven't said anything about me moving to another place, but a part of me are still waiting on going home to my mom and my old house.
"Hey you ok you zoned out" sky ask me
" yeah I'm fine and I can ask Maya if it's ok that we work on it at my house" it felt weird to say it. I texted Maya and she said it was fine so we ate our lunch and went to our last class of the day which was math. How decided that is was a good idea to have math at the end of the day when everyone is exhausted. Anyway we got through math and it was time to go home. Still weird to say home. We got out to the parking lot and I saw Maya's car. We walked over and got in.
"Hey girls how was school" Maya asked once we were in the car.
"It was fine" I answered.
" good" Maya say
We drive home and when we get home we go straight up to my room and get started. We sit on the floor and take our computers out from our backpacks.
"So where do we start?" Sky ask
"I don't know, maybe we can try and find information and in a while we see what we have and write it down" I say
"Yeah ok"
We work for probably 2 hours, but it didn't feel like two hours at all since we had so much fun. It felt good to be laughing and having fun again. We finished the assignment at around 5 and Sky didn't have to be home until later. We went on tik tok and laid there in comfortable silence for a while before Sky spoke up.
"How were rocks made?" She ask
"How were rocks made" she repeated. Sometimes I just wonder what's going on in her head.
"Ehh I don't know, how did you even come up whit that question" I ask laughing a little.
"Well I couldn't sleep last night so I started thinking, because sand is made out of rocks so what are rock made out of" she say
"Try google it?" I say
"Nah I'll just write it on my list"
"What list" I ask
" I have a list of questions I don't bother looking up or I can't google" she say and start writing down something on her phone. Of course she have. I should have thought about that when I was in room, there was so much I wanted to know about the world outside, but now I don't remember much of the question.
" I kinda need to hear that list now?" I say
" ok well the first question is 'how did Adam and Eve know how to make a baby'" she says as if it's the most normal thing in the whole world.
"Well I don't know the answer to that and you're right I don't think you
Can google that" I say and laugh.
" I know it's annoying anyway next one is 'if a lesbian couple wants to have a kid and they are using the first woman's egg and the second woman is the one who is going to be pregnant, and the donor is the second woman's bother. Would that mean that she is pregnant with her brother's baby'" she say and look at me with a 'did you understand look'.
" You are the weirdest person I know" I say and we laugh. We laugh so much that my stomach start to hurt. Just then someone knocked on the door.
"Come in" i manage to say.
" what are you two laughing about" Carina say as she enter the room.
"Sky just said something funny" I say and now we have both manage to stop laughing
"Ok, well dinner is ready down stairs" Carina say. We all go down stairs and eat dinner. After that Sky had to go home and I went up to my room.

Carina's pov

Me and Maya was sitting on the couch talking.
" I love hearing her laugh" I say
"Me too, I hope she is getting better and maybe she can live more as a normal teenager". It has been hard seeing how hard it has been for her.
"I wish I could take away all the stuff that happened and give her back her normal childhood" I say and look at Maya.
"Me too, but we can't to that, but we can give her an amazing future" Maya say and I just smile at her. After sitting there on the couch talking about nothing for a while we decide to go to bed.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had so much school and I don't know how often I will be posting as it's still a lot to do. Right know I really should be studying for a math test, but I don't get it and needed a break so I got this chapter done. I don't know if I like it, but I felt like I needed to post something.

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