Sick day

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Carina's pov

I'm currently at work and I'm just finishing up me last patient when Jo come running up to me.
"Hey Dr. DeLuca I have a patient at ni cm that may need an emergency c-section, but I just got a call from daycare saying Luna has been sick do you think you can take over" she says
"Yes of course, hope Luna get better soon I hear Meredith is out with sick kids too" i say and realize there have been a lot of sickness going around lately. I really hope none of us catch it, because I don't think I have time to be sick right now.
Jo's patient ended up needing an emergency c-section and I didn't get out of the OR until 8 pm. I walked up to my office to finish some paperwork and after half an hour I could finally change out of my scrubs and walk to my car. I am so exhausted I could sleep right here in my car. I pull together all the last bits of my energy and manage to drive home.
"Bella I'm home" I say walking in the door.
"Hey" Maya answers kissing my lips " how was work" she adds.
"Exhausting, I think all the pregnant women made some kind of pact to give birth today and when my day was over or so I thought, Luna decided to get sick so Jo had to go home and I had to take her patient which ended up needing an emergency c-section" I explain. "How about you" I add.
"Great, nothing to complain about" she says, I'm pretty sure she knows not to start complaining about her day right now, which I thankful for.
"Is Evelyn asleep" I ask looking at the clock and seeing that it's 8:51 pm. She doesn't really have a bed time, but usually she's so tired that she goes to bed before 9pm.
"She was going to take a shower and I heard it turn of about 10 minutes ago" Maya explains.

I walk up to her room and knock on the door.
"Come in" I hear Evelyn say through the door. I walk in and see her getting in to bed.
"how was school today" I ask her sitting down at the end of the bed.
"Boring" she answers
"Did you have any interesting patients" she asks, Evelyn is always interested in my patient and love hearing about the surgeries I did. I tell her about some of my patients and the c-section I did, of course leaving out the bloody details. When I'm done telling her about my day I say good night and walk back down joining my wife on the couch.

*next day

I wake up to my alarm at 6 am in an empty bed, I know Maya's shift doesn't start until 8 so she's probably out on a run. I get out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I do my normal morning routine, not bothering showering because I did it last night and probably have to do it after work, so I have some extra time and decide to make French toast for breakfast.
I'm standing in the kitchen when a sweaty Maya comes through the door.
"Morning Love" I say giving her a kiss on the lips.
"Morning, is Evelyn up yet" she asks
"No I was about to go up and wake her" I say flipping the French toast in the pan.
"I can do it" she says heading up stairs.

Maya's pov

I walk into her room and I find her laying in bed with her head plus an arm hanging outside the bed. It's just as funny each time we find her in some crazy position in the morning and to be honest it makes my day. I walk over to her sitting down next to her, I start to gently stroking her hair.
"Good morning sleepyhead it's time to wake up" I say quietly. Even though she has only been living with us for around six months, it feels like I've known her forever. Whenever I wake her up or drive her to school it feels like I've been doing it her whole life. And I never thought I would be a good mom so it feels weird that it all feels so natural. I still worry about if my dad has affected how I am as a parent in any way, but again I'm now sitting at my foster daughter's room waking her up, and I'm not pouring ice cold water over her so I guess I'm a at leas a little better then he was.
I continue to stroke her hair, normally she wakes up quite fast, but maybe she had a nightmare or just couldn't sleep.
"Hey sweetheart wake up you don't want to be late for school" I say and this time she starts to wake up.
"Good morning sweetheart" I say when she's a little more awake. After a while I finally get her up and I go to take a shower.

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