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Evelyn's pov
"Ladybug" I hear a voice say, it sounds so far away, but at the same time so close.
" Ladybug, it's me" I hear again, but this time closer. Why does that voice sound so familiar and Ladybug, only one person calls me that. I open my eyes and I'm in the middle of field full of flower. I see flowers of all colors. White Daisies, bluebells, irises and so many more. I see a big green oak tree. It all looks like a movie. I start walking against the big tree and I see a woman sitting under it. She has long brown hair like me and it looks like she is wearing a white long dress.
" mom" I say and she turn. she stands up and turns around. " Ladybug"
" mom" I yell. I start running towards her. I reach her and jump into her arms. We fall down to the ground with her arms still rapped around me. It's so weird I can feel her heart and her warmth, but I know she isn't alive. Does this mean I'm dead. I mean I feel dead, but I don't feel alive either.
" mom am I dead?" I ask and she pull away from me.
" I don't know Ladybug, I think you have to decide that yourself." She say and move a pice of my hair of of my face. 
" what do you mean" I ask looking up at her.
" let's take a walk" she say and we get up.
" I missed you every day I was in room you know, I still do" I say as we walk around.
" I missed you too and I'm sorry I left, just the pain was unbearable and I thought I'd never see you again. So it seemed like tho only way out" She say and i can see tears start to form in her eyes.
"The only reason I got through all the things he did to me and being kept hostage in room was the thought of seeing you again. I would lay awake just staring at the ceiling dreaming about falling asleep in your arms and for you to give me good night kisses" I say and I can almost see her heart break. We stop walking and she turns to look at me.
"I'm sorry, I should have fought harder for you and I shouldn't have stopped looking, I'm so so so deeply sorry. I hope you can forgive me before you go back" she say and I can hear the pain in her voice, which is weird because I didn't think there was pain in heaven. I thought that when you die all pain just disappeared, but maybe this isn't heaven. She said before you go back so does that mean I'm not dead.
"What do you mean before you go back" I say giving her a questioning look.
"We both know that you need to go back, I love you and I wish you'd could stay here with me forever, but I have seen you with Maya and Carina. They love you so much. I hate to admit it, but they might love you as much as I do" she takes a deep breath before she continue. " you have your whole life in front of you and even if I'm not going to be there physically with you I will always be right by your side. And for the physical part you have Maya and Carina" she say
"I know they want to be there for me, but I don't want them to replace you" I say. She lift up my chin.
"They will never replace me, but you are going to need them and of course it's hard knowing I won't be the person to learn you how to drive and I won't be there for your first breakup or walk you down the aisle. But I'm happy that Maya and Carina are the ones who get to do it, they are really nice people and if you will let the they will be amazing mothers"
" thank you" I say then I hear something.
"Please bambina I need you to wake up" I can't hear where the voice is coming from, but it sounds so far away.
"Go you need to go back, I'll be fine" mom say with a smile on her face.
"I love you and I'm going to miss you" I say and give a sad smile back.
"I love you too, and remember I'm always with you Ladybug" she say and then she disappears. It starts to get cold and I hear a faint beeping sound. I feel a warm feeling in my hand.

Carina's pov
Evelyn had to be rushed into surgery when she arrived at the hospital. Her leg was crushed and she had severe smoke inhalation. It has been 10 hours since she came out of surgery and we haven't left her side. We have taken turns sitting in the chair in the corner and next to her. Neither of us have gotten any sleep. We have just sat here all night in silence hoping they she will wake up. Amelia said she didn't see any damage on her brain, so there aren't any reasons to why she isn't waking up.
" please bambina I need you to wake up" i say hoping that she can hear me. Maybe if she knows that we are here she will wake up. Suddenly I feel her squeezing my hand, I'm not sure if my mind is just making that up or if she actually squeezed it, but then she does it again.
" omg she squeezed my hand" I say louder then I meant.
" are you sure Carina maybe it was just in your head" Maya say obviously not wanting to get her hopes up. 
" yes I'm sure, I know what I felt" Maya gets up and sits down on the other side of the bed.
" bambina can you hear me" I say.
" Carina " she say with a raspy voice.
" I'm here bambina" I say and squeeze her hand. She opens her eyes and squints from the bright light. She try to sit up, but her body is still weak after the surgery.
" don't try to sit up, you need to let your body rest" maya say softly.
" does anything hurt?" I ask
" my leg" Evelyn say still with a raspy voice.
" I can page Link and ask if we can give you anything for the pain. I say and page Link After about two minutes Link and Amelia walk through the door.
" hear someone is awake" Amelia day and look at Evelyn.
" how are we doing, any pain?" Link ask I look over at Evelyn and she is staring down at her hand. She hasn't meet Link before and she still get nervous around men.
" her leg is hurting so we were wondering if we can give her anything for the pain" I say
" yes of course I'll order some Morphine" he say. I think he can see that Evelyn is uncomfortable so he leaves the room.
" do you two want to go and get something to eat or a coffee I can stay with her" Amelia ask looking at Me and Maya. I look over at Maya, we have been in this room all night and we haven't eaten or drank anything in hours, but I don't want to leave her in case something happens.
" I promise I will page you if anything happens and I mean anything. You guys need a break from this room" Amelia say and I look over at Maya and she nods so we walk out.

I hope you guys like the chapter, sorry if it's a little short.
Thank for the idea LucyHughes910 .

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