Chapter 3: Stubborn

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"C'mon who is going to take an orphaned bottom Sider's kid?"

"Well, not us!"

"Cait I know what it's like to be orphaned-"

"Vi, I fucking said no. you can take it or leave it!"

Caitlyn huffed and continued forward, Vi following her like a hungry puppy. Vi still held the newborn in her arms, despite Caitlyn's irritation at the extra person to care for.

"Cupcake... please... I don't want this kid to get handed off to the wrong person..."

Vi stopped and fell to her knees, looking up to Caitlyn with a pleading look in her eyes. Cait sighed.

"I'm not helping you raise her. You can keep her but I won't be her mother..."

Vi's pupils shrunk in fear and tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

"Will you still be... my lover?"

Caitlyn's face softened away from the anger and she knelt down beside Vi, taking the side of her face in her hand.

"Violet... I will always be your lover... but I just... don't exactly do well with kids."

Vi took Caitlyn's hand in hers, her other hand with the gauntlet cradling the child. 

"I won't make you like this kid... but she has nobody, and I know all too well what this feels like."

Cait pulled Vi into an embrace, nuzzling into her shoulder. Vi felt relief, knowing her lover was still there for her. The pair stood back up and began making their way in the direction of the Firelight's base. Vi had tied her gauntlets to her back and held Cait's hand as the two talked solemnly about the horrific day. 

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