Chapter 14

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As the team finished their food, they started to get a bit concerned with what Blackburn needed Liz for; what was taking this long before a mission that she would not have much time to eat and rack out a bit before they left. Everyone started to get a few thoughts about why she was there, and all hoped she was not in trouble. First thoughts went to her causing trouble or having a problem with the shrink they needed to be cleared with before full duties. She tended to get feisty and not play well with others when she did not sleep, and with her nightmares and healing, she could be a real pain in the ass. As they headed back to their barracks, they kept an eye out to see if they could catch any sight of Blackburn, Liz or Mandy as they all stayed behind for the secret discussion. With no luck, they all decided to rack out and hope she would slip into her bed for a bit and be ready to go when it was time to leave.

Jason was the first to get up and gather the team to have some time to pack their gear and get their heads out of their sleep fog. He came barreling into the rest of the team's room and was throwing things, really any item he could get his hands on, at the group and joking around as he woke them all up and made his way to Liz's door and knocked before he peeked in and was met with an empty bed.

"Did Pebbles never make it home?" Sonny asked as he climbed out of his bed and started to stretch to get his stiff muscles moving. Those cots were a bed, but no one would ever call them comfortable.

"I hope Blackburn did not pull some stunt and take her off the mission or the shrink pulls back their stamp of approval with her not sleeping." Trent pipped in as he was getting his boots on.

"Jase, did they tell you anything?" Clay asked, getting worried now. It was unlike Blackburn to bring anything up before an op that could cause problems or shift a team member's mental state. He was a little worried they may find her hulled up somewhere avoiding him after their last conversation as she was not herself in the briefing, and he may have stirred up her feathers at the range.

"Nothing; I was pushed out of there so fast as the door was shut in my face. I'm going to get some answers, " Jason replied, pinching the bridge of his nose, he was starting to get a stress headache as something was not right with a team member, and he was being shut out.

Jason stormed out of their room as he was met by Ray outside, and the rest of the team stumbled out of their door as they were putting on their boots and clothes, trying to keep up. There was no way they would not be there for the answers or to save Liz if she was still trapped in that room. Jason made it to TOC in a record of the time, and the rest of the team was on his heels as he punched in the code and barged into the room.

"Jason. I can guess why you are here. " Blackburn didn't even look up to acknowledge it was him entering as he could feel the anger coming from him, giving it away, and who else would barge in through the doorway this hot and furious.

"Yes, I bet you can. Where is she? " Jason barked out.

Blackburn signed and rubbed his hand down his face as he got up and looked at the team standing inside the doorway, surveying the surroundings looking for any clues. He sighed and braced for the furry that was to come from, not one member like he was hoping originally when he addressed Jason, but now the five members of Bravo, known to be hot-headed and tended to blow up. "She... Liz is with Delta. They were wheels up a few hours ago, and General Fisher approved this before our captain or I could attempt to decline. Before you start, it was not my choice to send her when they asked for a sniper to fill in; no, I did not and do not approve, but I had no say. Yes, she will be safe, Metal went along with Delta on this op, and he promised me he would watch over her. They should be back by morning when you return from your run out. "

"Eric! How could you let this happen, she's so green, and you know her track record in JBad. Full Metal or not, she is a walking, talking curse here. " Jason bellowed, furious as he tried to hold back as deep down, he did know Blackburn did not have a choice, but he was still angry he let this happen.

And Then They Were In Love And LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora