Chapter 22

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With Liz's injuries and the team's morale diminished from the past few days, Blackburn managed to get a few days off on base unless a time-sensitive op came to play as Delta was heading back home to finish their recovery at home.

Slowly Bravo started to stretch out inside their beds and groaned at the morning light that streamed into their room. Even with their days off, the teams' internal clocks do not rest, and there is no need for an alarm to scream them awake.

"Hey, where is Peter Pan?" Sonny asked as she stretched out and peeked under his bunk.

Typically, Sonny and Clay share their bunks, and Sonny gets the bottom, but this time, he gave it up to Clay as he notices he has been having difficulties sleeping and tries to sneak out for midnight walks. Being on the top bunk made his sneaking a bit louder than desired, and the bunk wobbled and woke Sonny up every night. So, for his sanity, as he cherishes every moment of sleep, he switched their bunks and managed to get his whole night's sleep in peace.

"He was with Liz last night when I went in to check on her after I heard her. He must have stayed." Trent smiled.

"Awe, the wonder twins together at last." Brock laughed under his breath as he climbed down from his bunk.

Just as everyone was getting out of their bunks and putting on their boots, the door swung open, and a grinning Jason and Ray stormed in.

"Wakey... oh, you guys are already up. Well, where is the fun in that? Must go and ruin everything for me." Jason whined as he looked around and noticed his team was up and ready to go. He loved barging in on them, waking them up, and listening to the baby whining and groaning. Ray and he were morning people and got used to things starting early with their kids, and their team was not. So, it made things interesting for them on deployment. They must get their fun in somehow.

"Where is Clay?" Ray asked as he scanned the group.

The boys stood there, looked at each other, and then hesitated to tell Jason and Ray. Everyone supported their friendship and what could be growing between them. Bravo always supported their own, which was no different; they were rooting for them and have helped by showing their support by pairing them up in ops or training, giving a little push for them to talk, and teasing them about their known feelings. Hoping one day, they would pull their blinders off and finally realize all the sparks that shoot between them and scorch the team. They were not hiding that Clay was likely in Liz's room, but more scared to tell Jason when he was in this mood as they knew he would barge in there and there could be some sights seen that their superior officer should not see. No one should see it, really.

Jason took the salience as an unspoken hint he was meant to guess.

"Liz." Ray huffed under his breath as he shook his head and chuckled.

Jason whipped his head to Ray, and his smile just grew. He was the biggest shipper of Clay and Liz. The team's children are happy, and his 'daughter' is cared for by a man who is more than worthy. In the begging, Clay had to prove himself to Jason to be on the team, but that happened way faster than he expected, and he saw he was nothing like his father. He was loyal and determined, and Jason could not ask for a better rookie. But then Liz came into the picture being their new rookie, and Jason saw sparks between them when they first met, and his worry started to come back. He knew Liz and trusted her with his life; now he does Clay, but did he trust Clay to treat her like the princess she was? She deserved the world, and Clay soon proved to Jason that he would provide that and more for her. Their friendship grew and strengthened, and Jason was at peace, realizing that Clay was the perfect person for her with her past, her insecurities that being a woman SEAL brought back, and her fear of abandonment. Clay was her saviour, even if he did not know it, but Jason knew it. He was their biggest supporter and was a bit shocked that it had been not over a year and a half, and nothing more grew between them. He saw the flirting and hidden glances, the way they gravitated towards each other, the way they talk or, better yet, don't talk, as they have grown such a bond that they communicate on another level. Jason never said something as their relationship, whatever it was, was not changing the teams' dynamics and was not dangering their ops. And then he noticed the rest of Bravo pick up on this reluctant relationship and slowly push their support. It was then that Jason knew he needed to step in, and it was time. He was not going to play matchmaker but show them his support. He saw it was time when he walked in on Clay and him trying to cope with Liz being missing. He knew Clay needed the push, and he tried, but then Liz came back injured, and he saw how much Liz needed Clay, and he was a bit more open towards her than she was. So now Jason knew it was time to talk with his 'daughter' and sort some things out. He would not be a good father if he did not meddle in her life here and there, would he?

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