Chapter 23

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As they made it to the table where Davis sat and watched them saunter over with the biggest grin. She could not take her eyes off Clay and Liz and made eye contact with Liz, and her grin deepened as she suggestively wiggled her eyebrows. Liz could only cock her head with a mirrored grin and rolled her eyes. Once the group made it to the table, Clay grabbed onto Liz a little tighter, not ready to let her go, and this did not go unnoticed by Liz as she leaned into him and let out a small sigh.

Clay slowly led her to the seat next to Davis and helped her lower herself onto the bench and shift her legs over to set herself up to lean against Davis and stabilize herself with her good side, avoiding her ribs along the table's corner. This was the first time she was up and out of bed in a few days, and she was still working on her positions and aware that each side of her body had its hindrances that she had to take into perspective. She can not move well on her own, sit without leaning and supporting her ribs, or use her broken arm to grab things or perform any basic actions. And lifting her right arm was painful with her ribs and burned shoulder. As she set up shop against Davis, she huffed in annoyance; being reliant on others did not bode well with her, and in this injury round, she was overly dependent upon help.

"Ok sweet lil lady, what is on the menu today?" Sonny asked as he leaned in and put his arm along Davis's back. He and Davis were in their weird limbo, and as much as they tried, they could not avoid contact and sort things out independently. Their bodies had a magnet, and they seemed to have a slight inkling to touch each other or have a hidden glance, no matter how much they tried to avoid it and move on.

"I can go get my food; I just need a moment and gather my breath.. and maybe a hand to get back up." Liz rolled her eyes as she looked down at her body, assessed her situation, and tried to form a plan of how she would get up. As she shifted slightly and leaned away from Davis to straighten herself, she winced and curled somewhat into herself. Closing her eyes, she took a moment and was about to protest their stretched-out arms and concerned glances. "Ok, help me up."

The team all looked at each other, knowing they were about to have a fight on their hands as Liz was not going to stay put.

"Jellybean, you are not going up there. We can get you some food. It's not like it's a big deal. It's just food." Jason told her with a slight hint of authority, hoping she would take it more as an order than a suggestion. He knew her well that if he gave her any suggestions against her mindset, it would be a bloodbath fight that he would lose. Her stubbornness was her greatest strength, and she used it well.

"No, I need to move, and I can't trust you lot to get me anything good. Knowing how you think I'm glass, I'll end up with oatmeal or something else as mushy as you would feed a baby."

"You can't go around moving; you are on bed rest, and if you pop a leg stitch or make your ribs worse, you will be back in the medical tent strapped to a bed. You are lucky your even up with us now." Trent huffed. He usually did not get annoyed with the Wonder Twins this easily as they constantly fought their injuries but always seemed to bounce back stronger than ever. But this time, he was holding firm as he bargained with the doctors to even let her out of the hospital early. No one else on the team knew that, but he knew if Liz was to recover and not be a hassle, she needed to be with her team in her temporary bed and with Clay. On deployment, the medical tent and hospital were not like the ones stateside or in other countries they have been treated in. There was no option for visitors, so things got lonely fast, and the nurse care was not the same as their staff was always stretched so thin. The medical team excelled at what they did and worked miracles, but the military cake eaters tended to take them for granted, so they always got the short stick. As much as this was a benefit to Liz to be back in the bunks, it was a benefit to the medical staff not having to deal with her, and he was capable of watching her recovery, allowing them that one less patient to worry about and lightening their load.

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