Chapter 17

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Delta – 1 hour ago

No one moved.

One by one, Delta came back to life, slowly moving limbs and letting out low grunts and coughs. Most of Delta made it to the far end of the room before the car exploded, but three lifeless bodies littered the floor close to the room's entrance.

Delta 2 was first on his feet alongside Metal as they slowly went around the room assessing injuries. Delta 3 and 5 were pretty banged up with bruising and some superficial burns on the back of their legs but alive and conscious. Delta 2 wrapped their legs the best he could without proper burn wraps, and as he looked over, he saw Metal hovering over the lifeless bodies of Delta 1, 4, who was also their much-needed medic and Liz.


"JASON!" Blackburn came barreling into the room and spotted Clay and Jason still on the floor, heads hung, not speaking as they stared into the open space. Blank expressions as they avoided any thoughts, good or bad, from entering their minds. Holding off any dread or hope, just waiting.

Jason snapped his head up, connecting his eyes with Blackburn's and registering his expression. There was news.

"We have heard from Delta support. It was spotty as their coms were lost, but they have the team and are heading back. They are ten mikes out. Unfortunately, their coms were lost before we got any updates." Blackburn rambled, looking past Jason to Clay, who was still unresponsive. He was lost in his world of shock.

"Get someone here to sit with him." Jason bellowed as he was on his feet and heading out, seeing the rest of the team running up behind Blackburn. "He needs to stay here."

"Copy," Blackburn noted as he followed Jason out of the room. "Who do you......?" But it was too late. Jason was already halfway to the gate that led out to the main area where the medical center was, along with the helo landing pads and trucks. The rest of the team is hot on his heels, trying to keep up. When Jason was on a mission, his long strides were no match, and he could cover large distances in record time.

"I'll stay," Brock noted as he stayed behind, knowing Clay needed support even if it would be sitting in silence.


Delta – 20 minutes ago

As everyone realized their situation and watched the flames creep slowly into their position, they heard two trucks pull up towards the house and a large eruption of gunfire.

Metal and Delta 2 got everyone towards the back wall and braced themselves in a crouching position guarding their wounded, waiting for a figure to walk through the door. They did not know who this was outside as it could now be a tribe war or their QRF swooping in to be their knights in tan armour.

Delta 3 and 5 tried to position themselves on the ground on either side of the wounded, pointing their handguns out along the broken sides of the wall. There was no time to compose any further aid and review the complete status of their 3 team members as they held their position and braced for any impact. They could only hope the three members behind them were still breathing.

The conscious members heard shuffling advancing towards them through the house just as the gunfire started to die.

"HAVOC, we have Jackpot."

And with that, Delta was slowly able to relax. Their knights have arrived.

Metal whipped around to Liz lying behind him as he perched himself up on his knees in front of her, keeping her close, unwilling to lose contact with her. As he made contact with her torso, he heard her whimper under his grasp. There was no way he was losing her and coming back to Bravo's wrath.

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